Guns make people overconfident.


Green Belt
Feb 19, 2024
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I need to vent about this because I've been noticing this mentality way too much. At least in the us there is a concerning amount of people who seem to believe that they are invincible the moment you put a gun in their hands or at the very least have a inflated sense of over-confidence.

Saying things like "Smith-wesson made men equal" no they didn't, not against people who actually know what they are doing. All it's done is given you a false sense of security.

Plus there the fact that bullet proof clothing is getting better and better as well as knowing how guns work and what their general weaknesses are.

This just feels like another case of people who want power but aren't willing to put any effort into doing so. You are not anybody's equal just because you have a gun, if someone really wants to hurt you and they know you got that, all that means is they they have to plan ahead.

It just seems short sighted and ignorant.
The easiest way to respond to it is with the tueller drill. There's better videos out there, but if you haven't seen it before this one gives a simple example of it.

Basically, if someone comes at you within 21 feet, there's a good chance they'll reach you before you can draw your gun and fire 2 shots. The drill assumes they have a knife, but the same would be true of someone trying to tackle you (or fight you over your gun as you draw it), and it also assumes that you've got a smooth draw and don't fumble at all with adrenaline running.

That's why gun retention, learning unarmed skills and how to create space are so important. Because no one's starting a fight with you from 21 feet away (unless they have a gun), and most people aren't just walking around with their gun already drawn.
if someone really wants to hurt you and they know you got that, all that means is they they have to plan ahead.

It just seems short sighted and ignorant.

This emotional reaction for beeing ontop of things, and feeling safe, leads to inflation of rearmament, and the driving mechanism that leads to a long term development that I really think benefits noone.

I need a gun because my nutty neigbours have one, then they eventuelly need a bigger one because they live nextdoor to you, and then you think this isn't enough so you need a rocket launcher to take them of from safe distance....

I rather be robbed by a dude with a baseball bat than someone with a machine gun.
This emotional reaction for beeing ontop of things, and feeling safe, leads to inflation of rearmament, and the driving mechanism that leads to a long term development that I really think benefits noone.

I need a gun because my nutty neigbours have one, then they eventuelly need a bigger one because they live nextdoor to you, and then you think this isn't enough so you need a rocket launcher to take them of from safe distance....

I rather be robbed by a dude with a baseball bat than someone with a machine gun.
Exactly it just becomes this weird *** arms race where you need bigger guns to deal with bigger guns.

And yeah I'd rather deal with the guy with a bat if I'm unarmed cause then I'd have A chance. It's not a very good chance, but it's still a chance.
This emotional reaction for beeing ontop of things, and feeling safe, leads to inflation of rearmament, and the driving mechanism that leads to a long term development that I really think benefits noone.

I need a gun because my nutty neigbours have one, then they eventuelly need a bigger one because they live nextdoor to you, and then you think this isn't enough so you need a rocket launcher to take them of from safe distance....

I rather be robbed by a dude with a baseball bat than someone with a machine gun.
Either that, or it leads to overconfidence. If I have a gun and my nutty neighbors don't get a bigger one, I feel safe. I'm confident entering any confrontation, because I have an ace in the hole, and I don't learn until it's too late it's not the ace I thought it'd be. Then I end up injured or shot.

Same thing IMO as some of those women's self defense seminars. Teach a bunch of people basic attacks, that may or may not work, they think they can now defend themselves and stop being as wary of dangerous situations, which just puts them more at risk than before they attended the seminar.
Either that, or it leads to overconfidence. If I have a gun and my nutty neighbors don't get a bigger one, I feel safe. I'm confident entering any confrontation, because I have an ace in the hole, and I don't learn until it's too late it's not the ace I thought it'd be. Then I end up injured or shot.

Same thing IMO as some of those women's self defense seminars. Teach a bunch of people basic attacks, that may or may not work, they think they can now defend themselves and stop being as wary of dangerous situations, which just puts them more at risk than before they attended the seminar.
Yeah that's why I kinda scoff at woman's self defence classes cause most of the time they either teach stuff there completely ineffective or stuff that will get you landed in jail for manslaughter.

I actually discussed this with a few female associates of mine, the sad reality is 9 times out of 10 you're not gonna out muscle a man, just don't even try.

Can a woman beat a man? Yes absolutely...but they are basically hard limited to things akin to outboxing or swarming styles of combat(Wing Chun was created by a woman after all)

I need to vent about this because I've been noticing this mentality way too much. At least in the us there is a concerning amount of people who seem to believe that they are invincible the moment you put a gun in their hands or at the very least have a inflated sense of over-confidence.

Saying things like "Smith-wesson made men equal" no they didn't, not against people who actually know what they are doing. All it's done is given you a false sense of security.

Plus there the fact that bullet proof clothing is getting better and better as well as knowing how guns work and what their general weaknesses are.

This just feels like another case of people who want power but aren't willing to put any effort into doing so. You are not anybody's equal just because you have a gun, if someone really wants to hurt you and they know you got that, all that means is they they have to plan ahead.

It just seems short sighted and ignorant.
There is definitely an educational issue in the community. However, a predator will always choose a “softer” unarmed target, over a “harder” armed target. There are exceptions to that rule, but that’s getting technical.
There is definitely an educational issue in the community. However, a predator will always choose a “softer” unarmed target, over a “harder” armed target. There are exceptions to that rule, but that’s getting technical.
True predators at their core are cowards and generally won't go after anybody they think will fight back. Still I feel that just adds to the overconfidence problem, as you'll go around thinking you're hotter stuff then you really are.
True predators at their core are cowards and generally won't go after anybody they think will fight back. Still I feel that just adds to the overconfidence problem, as you'll go around thinking you're hotter stuff then you really are.
Do you know people like this? I ask because you are stereotyping a large community.
Yeah that's why I kinda scoff at woman's self defence classes cause most of the time they either teach stuff there completely ineffective or stuff that will get you landed in jail for manslaughter.

I actually discussed this with a few female associates of mine, the sad reality is 9 times out of 10 you're not gonna out muscle a man, just don't even try.

Can a woman beat a man? Yes absolutely...but they are basically hard limited to things akin to outboxing or swarming styles of combat(Wing Chun was created by a woman after all)
Controversial thing to say—but last time I checked, the most common anti-rape tool in the world is pointy.
True predators at their core are cowards and generally won't go after anybody they think will fight back. Still I feel that just adds to the overconfidence problem, as you'll go around thinking you're hotter stuff then you really are.
Everybody, even SEALs, about to throw hands, know there is a 50% chance they will not walk out of there alive. I haven’t met anyone who trains at a serious place, who thinks the way you describe.
Do you know people like this? I ask because you are stereotyping a large community.
That's the thing with stereotypes, there tends to be a grain of truth in ever single one.
Controversial thing to say—but last time I checked, the most common anti-rape tool in the world is pointy.
So are we talking a gun, a spear, a knife, a pair or castration scissors? Be more specific.
That's the thing with stereotypes, there tends to be a grain of truth in ever single one.

So are we talking a gun, a spear, a knife, a pair or castration scissors? Be more specific.
I don’t think a pointy gun would work very well. Anyone of the others can be purposed accordingly.