Guns don't kill people, democrats do.

Sure I believe Democrats kill people. To say that anyone who belongs to a certain political party would never kill people is simply silly.

Did you read the article? If not, why not?


Sure I believe Democrats kill people. To say that anyone who belongs to a certain political party would never kill people is simply silly.

Did you read the article? If not, why not?


My questions was asked in the context of the title you chose, and the literal absence of anything else. Your answer seems sarcastic. Since you asserted that Democrats, specifically, kill people (not guns), it's reasonable to infer that you believe that Republicans do not. I agree that this is silly, but you gave very little information to work from, so, surely you can understand why I asked the question.

I did read the article, but I'm curious what you think. You posted a link to an article. I'm guessing you posted it with the intent to discuss it, but you provided literally zero analysis or context in your original post. So, I'm trying to discuss it.

The title of the thread is, "Guns don't kill people, democrats do." While obvious, you acknowledge that Republicans also kill people (sort of), so then, why identify democrats in your title, specifically? What's your point?
I chose the title because that was the title of the article. You did read it, right? It's right at the top of the page I linked to. That's why I identified democrats specifically, because the article itself did.

My answer was a direct parallel of your question to me. If you think it was sarcastic that may well be because that was also the feeling I got from your question. Do I really believe Democrats kill people? Uh, yeah. Why? that isn't addressed in the article so I have no comment on that.

As far as what I think about the article, I found it interesting. I figured I'd let people read it and discuss it here if they wanted. It didn't need my analysis for that. The argument is that the violence associated with American "gun culture" is found in heavily Democratic areas of the country. Which is not at all the sense I have gotten from how things are reported in the media. That fact alone was sufficient for me to think the article might be of interest to people.


Take Chicago, rahm "dead fish" emmanuel, spends money everywhere but on more police and better his policies affect the poorest of the poor and the areas that are most heavily democrat supporting in Chicago...and the break down of gun crime from he article shows that the majority of gun crime...throughout the United States, occurs in places that are tightly controlled by the democrat political party...both the population which votes democrat and the area of the state and cities that are identified as democrat controlled...s policies seem to be causing, or at least not stopping, the murder rates in this country...

And a recently reported Yale medical study on gun deaths and children points out that most murders happen in very small areas of major cities...blocks, of the city, not regions...and only one half of one percent of the population is responsible for gun murders...
Truman dropped a couple of nukes on Japan... Surely this counts.

Sure, Truman killed a lot of people. So did FDR. Even failed '72 "peacenik" presidential cantidate George McGovern was a bomber pilot in WWII and, by his own admission killed a lot of people. Why do people think that just because you're a Democrat you'd be all Sesame street and Kumbaya?

Heck, my own brother is a more extreme Dem than I am, yet he owns more guns than anybody I know and is capable of really nasty rages sometimes. Now I don't believe he's ever killed anybody. But there's a lot I don't know. :D