Gunman Kills Pastor, Stabs Self and others.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Police: Pastor shot dead at church, others stabbed

By JIM SUHR, Associated Press Writer Jim Suhr, Associated Press Writer – 13 mins ago, Ill. – A gunman walked down the aisle of a church during a Sunday service and killed the pastor, then stabbed himself and slashed two other people as congregants wrestled him to the ground, authorities said.
The man walked into the sprawling red brick First Baptist Church shortly after 8 a.m. and briefly spoke with The Rev. Fred Winters before pulling out a .45-caliber handgun and shooting Winters once in the chest, said Illinois State Police Master Trooper Ralph Timmins.
The gun jammed before the man could fire again, Timmins said. The attacker then pulled out a knife and injured himself before churchgoers subdued him. Two parishioners involved in the struggle also suffered knife wounds, Timmins said.
Timmins said officials don't know whether Winters, a married father of two who had led the church for nearly 22 years, and the gunman knew each other. Officials did not know the suspect's name.

The gun jammed and he still had his alternate weapon and tried to kill himself but was jumped by two others and THEY got stabbed. Previous discussions about knives on this forum are given testament by this horrific act of violence.
I feel sorry for the parishioners who witnessed this act on a, what is for them a day of worship.
Sympathies go to the pastor's family.

Whether they'll know or understand why this nut did this is anybody's guess. Hopefully they'll lock him away for a very long time.
There seem to be little wavelets of homicidal insanity that course through the country. Church shooting is one, the even worse current one is fathers shooting their entire families.

Those people in the church have more courage than I.... were I to see a killer cutting away at himself with a knife, I would not get involved. He could slice himself like a Thanksgiving turkey and that would be just fine with me.
Those people in the church have more courage than I.... were I to see a killer cutting away at himself with a knife, I would not get involved. He could slice himself like a Thanksgiving turkey and that would be just fine with me.
This is one of the reaons why I am a firm believer in CCH. We have a minimum of 2 people in our church that are armed every service.

And this also shows how a ban on carrying firearms(IL) really helps protect the people.
...And this also shows how a ban on carrying firearms(IL) really helps protect the people.

Admittedly, this thread is in Horror Stories, as opposed to the Memorial forum, thus inviting a range of commentary.

However, it's not in the Politics forum, and the link itself does not appear to a politically inspired statement on gun laws. Perhaps if this is to be the direction of the discussion, the thread should be moved to Politics.

Perhaps I'm wrong.
Admittedly, this thread is in Horror Stories, as opposed to the Memorial forum, thus inviting a range of commentary.

However, it's not in the Politics forum, and the link itself does not appear to a politically inspired statement on gun laws. Perhaps if this is to be the direction of the discussion, the thread should be moved to Politics.

Perhaps I'm wrong.
No you are correct. If discussion on gun bans and etc. are to be carried out then let them be started in the appropriate forum, the study or even the Armory if it is specific about gun laws and concealed carries.

I placed this here in Horror Stories because it is one. How we should protect ourselves, for this is supposed to be a place of worship and for many a holy place. I know of many churches who would frown on bringing a weapon into "the house of God", yet even the God they worship does not forbid defending one's self or others. Nor allow one to be a witless and willing sacrifice like sheep.

Yet this atrocity can happen anywhere, not restricted to a church. Anywhere people may gather collectively or individually. A school gathering, sporting event, shopping and countless of other places where people gather en massed.
Update on this story...
Police: Ill. pastor deflected gunshot with Bible

By JIM SUHR, Associated Press Writer Jim Suhr, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 52 mins ago
MARYVILLE, Ill. – A pastor shot and killed during his Sunday sermon deflected the first of the gunman's four rounds with a Bible, sending a confetti-like spray of paper into the air in a horrifying scene that congregants initially thought was a skit, police said.
The gunman strode down the aisle of the sprawling First Baptist Church shortly after 8 a.m. and briefly spoke with The Rev. Fred Winters, then pulled out a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol and began firing until it jammed, Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent said. Churchgoers wrestled the gunman to the ground as he waved a knife, slashing himself and two other people, Trent said.
None of the about 150 congregants seemed to recognize the gunman and investigators do not know details of Winters' conversation with him, but they planned to review an audio recording of the service, Trent said. The service was not videotaped.
"We thought it was part of a drama skit ... when he shot, what you saw was confetti," said congregant Linda Cunningham, whose husband is a minister of adult education at the church. "We just sat there waiting for what comes next, not realizing that he had wounded the pastor."
Yet another update on the story...

Church shooting suspect left 'Last Day Will' card

By JIM SUHR, Associated Press Writer Jim Suhr, Associated Press Writer – Tue Mar 10, 6:02 pm ET
ST. LOUIS – The man accused of gunning down an Illinois pastor during his sermon as horrified churchgoers watched left an index card marked "Last Day Will" at his home, according to court documents filed Tuesday.
Other documents detail how the Rev. Fred Winters tried to run from accused gunman Terry Sedlacek at First Baptist Church in Maryville, Ill., a St. Louis suburb, before the preacher collapsed and bled to death Sunday.
Authorities say Sedlacek, 27, of nearby Troy, fired four times from a .45-caliber Glock pistol, hitting Winters once in the heart.
The court papers indicate investigators have found an arsenal in Sedlacek's bedroom, including two 12-gauge shotguns, a rifle and a box of 550 .22-caliber bullets. An inventory of items seized from his home also lists the "Last Day Will" index card but does not detail what else was written on it.
A prosecutor said Monday that a day planner found on Sedlacek's dresser referred to Sunday as "death day," suggesting Sedlacek planned the attack. Authorities say Sedlacek brought to the church enough ammunition to kill 30 people.
Seems that it was a good thing the two men who wrestled the guy to the floor saved the lives of others without realizing it as the guy apparently wanted to take more with him. Even if they gotten injured themselves from the man's knife they still did the right thing.
It's also fortunate that he didn't think to bring his full arsenal with him. This event could've turned out much more tragic with more deaths.

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