Gun crime in Australia on the rise...


Lifetime Supporting Member

According to the Ballina Shire Advocate, "over 9,000 guns have been taken off New South Wales (NSW) streets and 3352 people have charged" during previous operations in the last 12 months alone.
NSW police commissioner Andrew Scipione explained: "There is no single source of gun violence... guns have fallen into the hands of organized crime, outlaw motorcycle gangs, mid-level crime groups and petty thieves and the lines are often blurred."
Not ironically, Australia implemented a massive purge of guns in 1996, which included bans on "assault weapons" and other semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. They also did forced buybacks and then entered into a strict licensing and registration agreement where certain single-shot rifles and similar firearms could be owned but only if the owner provided justification for the possession of such a weapon.
Yet 17 years after the implementation of gun control schemes that are very similar in many ways to those being pushed by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the NSW police department is launching a new operation to rein in gun violence.
But it's on the Holy Breitbart site, K-Man! How can it be wrong when it is the Divine Word of the Right being channeled for you? Still, it beats being subjected to yet another anti-Democrat/Obama-hate thread I suppose so we should count ourselves lucky.

If you can raise the energy, have a look at the data and find the spin or the deliberate contextual misrepresentation, for it will be there somewhere. Or maybe it's best to just leave it to rot on the floor?

Now, I am off to actually practise my martial art ... a novel concept I know :p.
Obviously you two didn't read the post, you just saw Breitbart and reacted to that...if you had read the post you would see that A.W.R. Hawking was relating the information from an Australian news the Australians are the ones pointing to the new surge in gun violence in Australia...not Breitbart...

COMBATING gun crime in NSW remains the top priority of the state's police force, senior officers announced on Wednesday.
In the past 12 months, more than 9000 guns have been taken off NSW streets and 3352 people have been charged as part of ongoing investigations by Strike Force Raptor and Operations Apollo and Spartan.
Unveiling a new plan to tackle out-of-control gun violence in Sydney on Wednesday, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said all three strike forces had been brought together to form Operation Talon.
"There is no single source of gun crime violence...guns have fallen into the hands of organised crime, outlaw motorcycle gangs, mid-level crime groups and petty thieves and the lines are often blurred," Mr Scipione said
"That's why it is so important to focus on all these aspects in a unified way...pulling our resources together under the one banner we have that opportunity."

And here is another Australian news source on their gun violence problem...

New South Wales police are insisting Sydney is not in the middle of a gang war as they struggle to control gun violence in the city.
So far this year there have been 72 shootings Sydney in which eight people have been killed.
Locals are on edge after warnings the harbour city is facing an explosion in gun violence reminiscent of Los Angeles 30 years ago.
"I'm worried when a day will come where an innocent person is caught in the crossfire," said Australian Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare
Expat New Zealander Abe Hanara is worried too.
He checked crime levels in the suburb of Maroubra in Sydney's south before he moved there.
"There was only one shooting there a few years back so that was a bit of relief," he said.
But with 14 shootings and four deaths across Sydney in July alone, the Hamiltonian doesn't feel so safe any more.

Bikie wars over drugs and territory are being blamed, as are Middle Eastern organised crime gangs.
At the heart of the problem is access to guns, particularly hand guns, and officials are taking aim at the Australian government.
The NSW premier is blaming budget cuts to Customs and Federal Police for the increase in firearms on his streets.
"Handguns haven't been manufactured in this country for many years," premier Barry O'Farrell said.
"I have concerns about the Federal Government's failure to ensure that items that come into Australia through the post or shipping containers are properly checked."
Police insist Sydney is not in the grip of a lethal gang war and have been carrying out searches at "targeted premises".
In the latest raid, police searched around 150 people and 80 vehicles and seized drugs and a replica firearm.
Over several similar operations, police have laid more than 600 charges against 320 people and seized 80 firearms.

So, no matter how you try to control guns...the bad guys will always have access to them because they increase their ability to force their will on other people. Australia has been held up as a counter example to the United States, and in the wake of the killing of the Australian Baseball player, it bears a look at what is happening with guns in Australia today...As you can see from the Australian news source, eventually, the government will get lazy and guns will get into any country that allows goods to come across it's borders...

Hmmmm...two news sources from Australia...brought to the attention by A.W.R. Hawking of Breitbart...I really love the Breitbart site...

I like that term "bikie."
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You're right, I didn't read it through - revel in that sensation for a while :D. My advice to K-Man still holds tho'.

Top tip - if you want me to read something that supports some Right-field view you hold, don't link Breitbart. Even better, don't link anything resembling an opinion piece by some axe-grinder but do tell me what you think and why - I've had my fill of empty calorie link-feasts, they are very unsatisfying (unless there are pictures of pretty girls).

If I agree with you on something I will say so and support you; gun control, is the high spot example of that. What I don't want to have anymore to do with is the 'tidal surge' methodology of 'linking without thinking' and acting like it is politically relevant. I shall be good and remain silent, not even arising to tickle you with a Stick of Political Point Debiasification or to hold up the Mirror of Alternative Perspective Context.

It's okay not to care about any of the above of course - I'm just English after all.
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Obviously you two didn't read the post, you just saw Breitbart and reacted to that...if you had read the post you would see that A.W.R. Hawking was relating the information from an Australian news the Australians are the ones pointing to the new surge

Er, an Australian is pointing to something..."the Australians" is a ludicrously overbroad generalization. In fact, just from those posting in this thread alone I could easily conclude that the Australians don't see a problem of the sort you describe using your logic.

You have one or two reports here--it doesn't mean the whole country is arming itself and hunkering down.
There is a growing problem in Australia...and the reason I am posting about it is that Australia is one of the countries used to say that America has to have more restrictions on firearms. The problem...gun crimes are increasing in Australia as the criminals have become aware of the value of using guns to get their way...and even Australia, with oceans protecting them from easy border access, is finding illegal guns a it will always be...and innocent people are the victims because they will obey gun their detriment...

Crime experts say there has been a change in behaviour among outlaws.
One former counter terrorism officer, who spoke to The Australian and asked not to be named, said the gun culture had become so ingrained among Middle Eastern males in southwest Sydney that they have taken to settling so-called "honour'' disputes with guns.
"The culture is all guns and drugs. If someone looks at your wife the wrong way, you shoot them. They think they're bulletproof and they have this wilful disregard for authority.''
Police figures show that in the 2012-2013 financial year 9506 illegal firearms were seized, 729 of them handguns.
Handguns, particularly the semi-automatic Glock, are the criminal's weapon of choice.
Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that firearms are being used more often in crime.
In the seven years from 2005 to 2012, gun murders across Australia almost doubled. The incidence of guns used in kidnappings trebled. The total number of crimes in which a firearm was used rose from 823 in 2005, to 1217 in 2012, an increase of 47 per cent.
The figures look bad, but 2005 was an unusual year, with gun crime at a record low. Numbers of gun-related crimes had fallen in the preceding years before bottoming out and rising again.
Total gun crimes in 2012 were 1217, compared to 1107 in 2011.
Bikie gangs have always had guns. Police forces in all states are cracking down on them as they are shooting at each other trying to control the drug scene. It is worse in Sydney than Melbourne and barely exists anywhere else. To say gun violence is out of control, in Sydney even, is patent journalistic nonsense.

Thanks Suk, I've been on holiday for two weeks and I'm looking forward to getting back to training myself.
Bikie gangs have always had guns. Police forces in all states are cracking down on them as they are shooting at each other trying to control the drug scene. It is worse in Sydney than Melbourne and barely exists anywhere else. To say gun violence is out of control, in Sydney even, is patent journalistic nonsense.

Thanks Suk, I've been on holiday for two weeks and I'm looking forward to getting back to training myself.

Sounds like most of the US. Outside of major cities there is very little gun violence, but that doesn't prevent anti gun politicians and their stooges from trying to paint the entire US as some Hollywood action movie.
Exactly, Haakon, and most of the time those big cities in America have the strictest gun control here in Chicago. New York keeps murder rates down because they use stop and frisk to get guns out of the hands of criminals, Chicago doesn't use it and is a shooting gallery...and now that stop and frisk is under attack so expect their murder rate to go up.

Along those lines...there is a video of the speaker linked in the article...

Cam Edwards, who many of you already know from Twitter and NRA News fame, was invited to address the Independence Institute’s Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms event last weekend.

If gun control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry right now! And Weld County and El Paso County would be Thunderdome! You guys wouldn’t have [Weld County] Sheriff [John] Cooke, you would have Tina Turner and Mel Gibson running around! It would be horrible! But that’s not real life! Real life is gun control not working in Chicago. Real life is gun control failing in Camden, New Jersey and Oakland, California, and a lot of other communities in this country . . .
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