lists of all his original forms taken from there :
MT:The Forms of Nick Cerio's Kenpo - Deluxe Martial Arts Forums
Kata - Origin
Blocking Form 1 - Stationary Blocking Set from Karazenpo Goshinjutsu
Blocking Form 2 - Creation of Nick Cerio, based on BF1 with addition of foot movement
Blocking Form 3 - Creation of Nick Cerio, BF2 but with extensions of blocks
Blocking Form 4 - Creation of Nick Cerio, BF2 but with open handed blocks
Blocking Form 5 - Creation of Nick Cerio, BF4 but with added hand strikes
Pinan 1 - Based on Taikyoku #1 of Kyokushin Kai
Pinan 2 - Same "I" pattern as Pinan 1 but with Cerio Combinations 2,3 and 4 incorporated
Pinan 3 - Same "I" pattern as Pinan 1 but with Cerio Combinations 5,6,7 and 8 incorporated
Cat 1 - Based on Heinan Sandan of Kyokushin Kai
Cat 2 - Based on Heinan Yondan of Kyokushin Kai
Cat 3 - Creation of Nick Cerio, based on Heinan Series from Kyokushin Kai
Circle of the Tiger - Based on Katas 3,4 and 5 of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu
Circle of the Leopard - Based on Kata 2 of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu
Circle of the Panther - Based on Kata 7 of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu
Statue of the Crane - Based on Kata 8 of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu
Hansuki - Form presented to Nick Cerio by GM Bill Chun Sr.
Lin Wan Kune - Form presented to Nick Cerio by Sifu Gan Fong Chin
Bassaï Daï - Form from Shotokan Karate
Empi - Form from Shotokan Karate
Konku Daï - Form from Shotokan Karate
Goju Shi Ho - Form from Shotokan Karate
Sanchin - Traditional Karate form
Cerio No Kon Sho - Bo Form created by Nick Cerio
Cerio No Kon Dai - Bo Form created by Nick Cerio
Shushi No Kon Sho - Traditional Bo form (Master Shushi)
Suji No Kon Sho - Traditional Bo form
Kane Gawa Ni Cho Gama - Traditional Kama form
Matsu Higa No Sai - Traditional Sai form
Hama Higa No Tonfa - Traditional Tonfa form