Grossest thing you ever saw in martial arts? (in person)


In another tourney, at the grand championship (lightweight winner against heavyweight winner) I saw Mitch Kobilanski (sp) throw a back leg roundhouse at big Ed Harris, who was also throwing a back leg roundhouse at the time. Their legs collided. The noise was like a dry stick being snapped into a microphone. Mitch's leg snapped mid femur.


I saw a you tube of two guys going at it in a ring. One threw a low kick, the other blocked with his shin, and it snapped and bent forward. Gave me shudders to watch it.
I saw a lot grosser stuff at traffic accidents than in any martial arts environment. Let's just say that human skull is crunchy when you walk on bits of it and leave it at that.

Yeah... it really sucks when you're biting your toenails and choke on one...

Considering the stuff I see in the ER, I can't say I've really seen anything at a tourney that qualifies as all that gross. Like so much in life, it's all a matter of perspective.

I guess the most amazing (but not the only gross thing) I ever saw was an airplane crash. The two seater was doing a low level pass (buzzing, with a vertical pull-up and rolls) of the airfield, and evidently neither of the pilots saw the single strand of barbed wire above the berm at one end of the runway. There were a lot of very tiny bits on the ground. I would not have liked to have been the medics who had to collect all that, nor the pathologist who had to try and differentiate between the two.
for me - it was getting my big toe stomped on during a one-step drill and subsequently losing my entire big toenail!! - bled all the way to the bathroom!! most of my classmates said Gross!, but one little 4 year old boy thought it was the coolest thing ever!:) lol - kind of gross and first of its kind injury at my dojang!
Not terribly gross, but I was doing kata on a cold floor with indoor/outdoor carpet. I pivoted, and my pinkie toe caught and was broken in two places. I didn't notice it until I pitched over to the side (I have Reynaud's syndrome, and can't feel my toes when I have a vasospasm from cold); then I saw that it was sticking out at 90 degrees from my foot--completely sideways. It wouldn't move back straight until I grabbed it and pulled it out forward. One of the people there almost fainted, and several were green.
I saw a kid hit his shin with a sword, it was sharpened and made a nice gash all the way into the calf muscle, he apparently didnt quite realize it right away and took a a step or so before falling over.

Another sword incident, some genius thought it was wise to let his teacher (I assume) chop some mellons on his stomach. No guts or anything, just a superficial cut, but plenty of blood.

A third sword incident, a cheap sword didn't have a proper tang, we heard the crack and the guy doing the form was quick enough to point the sword down and the blade stuck in the floor intead of a person.

We saw a guy break his leg over a baseball bat.

Otherwise just broken noses, fingers, toes, and one a couple people knocking themselve out with bricks.



Grossest thing in the Martial Arts? It really depends upon what one considers gross. I've seen a lot of gross techniques and movements both as in large and as in just plain aweful. LOL.

Have seen far more bodly function or damage gross while in military service so in comparison nothing really gross in the martial arts but, after more than 40 years of training and competition: Let's see, broken and dislocated fingers, toes, arms/elbows, broken legs, broken clavical, bloody and broken noses, facial cuts, eye lid ripped, torn ear, stab wounds (with a dull training knife), split lips, teeth knocked out, tooth in a shin and a knuckle, tongue bit through, Torn shoulder and knee joints..., uh..., liver shot and bladder shot incontinence, lots of blood and puke. There is more.
not seen much id consider gross in my time.

i've seen someone break their toe during sparring, but no blood or anything and i've seen someone throw up during hard training but other than that its been pretty incident free :)
Not gross but cool to watch. I saw a young man catch a kick to the groin in mid air and pass out before he hit the floor.
It's not gross but I'll let you laugh at my expense. I went to an ma school in Jonesboro Arkansas to see if I wanted to take a class. There was a guy who was a 6th degree blackbelt in Judo. He told me to take a few steps back. So of course I got half way across the room thinking it was okay. So he does a spin kick and hits me right in the inner thigh. I don't fall but I just stand there like a deer in head lights. When I took off my jeans when I got home I still had the guys foot print there for the next week.
One thing that I found particularly gross was when I was sparring I threw a roundhouse kick and my partner tried to step back out of the way. My foot actually slipped inside his gi and even though it felt at the time like it had got stuck, there was a little resistance then my foot pulled out and I went to continue. However, my partner dropped to the floor clutching at his chest.

My instructor at the time ran over and managed to get him to move his hand and surprisingly we saw a lot of blood seeping through his suit. I then looked down at my foot to discover to my horror that I had a nipple ring looped over my little toe with a chuck of flesh still attached.

Needless to say, it has successfully put me off of having any sort of piercing and the guy it happened to has always ensured that he removes any other piercings he has before training since.
In a full contact sparring session I witnessed a friend of mine perform a flawless front stomp kick to the midsection of his opponent. Well apparently he hit just the right spot, and we were unaware this person was recovering from a nasty stomache virus.

Thus what can only be described as the ENTIRE contents of said opponent's stomache was projected all over my friend in front of over a dozen people. It was incredibly embarrassing for them both, and was bad for me because I drew one of the short straws and thus had to help clean up the mats. It was easily the most disturbing training story I have. Injuries I can deal with, but that was just.... bad.
I am not sure which was worse: someones eyelid getting sliced off by a toenail during a kick, or a dislocated knee during sparring.
It says something about a career spent in the ER that NONE of the things being described strikes me as gross. Or all that unusual, really.

I've know for most of my professional life that I'm not allowed to discuss work stuff at family dinners...
My aunt does Karate and Judo. They were going through throws one day and instinctively she gripped the mat with her toes (Karate was her primary at the time) and broke her big toe. bone sticking through the skin and all. We drove her to the hospital, it was gnarly.
We had a young girl wet her pants, and I told her to run to the bathroom, which meant she tracked it all across the mat. It took us a while to clean it up.

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