Grossest thing you ever saw in martial arts? (in person)


White Belt
Jan 16, 2012
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I saw a guy get carted out of a TKD tournament with a toenail stuck in this throat.

How about you guys?
I've seen some pretty gnarly injuries at grappling tournaments. Saw a guy reach back to catch himself on a takedown and snapped his forearm. Another guy thought he was in the UFC and refused to tap to a key lock. The result was predictable.

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Toss up between a toenail slicing through the eyelid and lens from a kick and an eyeball dislocation. Both eye injuries (which creep me out) and both from a back wheel kick.
I was in an actual fight once, and before I could even try hitting the guy he did a jump front kick. I kneed his foot which sent him back and the rug just happened to slip out from under him on his landing. His head hit the lockers behind him and when he hit the floor, I swear at least a full cup of snot shot out of his nose. I was in a little bit of shock; so,I let him crawl away.
I saw a green belt throw a flying sidekick, have his toes get caught in the sleeve of the opponents gi sleeve, fall and break his neck. It still scares me when I think about it, and that was a tourney in 72.

In another tourney, at the grand championship (lightweight winner against heavyweight winner) I saw Mitch Kobilanski (sp) throw a back leg roundhouse at big Ed Harris, who was also throwing a back leg roundhouse at the time. Their legs collided. The noise was like a dry stick being snapped into a microphone. Mitch's leg snapped mid femur.

I saw a guy throw up, about thirty seconds after getting front kicked in the stomach. Right in the ref's face, who went over to see if he was alright.
I saw a guy try to slap-block a fast front kick and wind up getting 2 broken fingers, both compund fractures with alot of blood.

I saw a guy catch a front kick to the groin that sent him flying and knocked him out. It also broke his cup. When he woke up, the first thing he did was roll over and puke.
During a Shodan testing I saw the candidate pivot during Kata, the floor was hardwood, and completely tear off the pad of skin on the ball of his right foot! Total freak accident (he had no blister or anything like that prior to this).

The guy damn near passed out - we gave him a few min.s rest, and asked if he wanted to continue the exam. He did - and passed!
I saw a guy get carted out of a TKD tournament with a toenail stuck in this throat.

How about you guys?

Yeah... it really sucks when you're biting your toenails and choke on one...

Considering the stuff I see in the ER, I can't say I've really seen anything at a tourney that qualifies as all that gross. Like so much in life, it's all a matter of perspective.
I saw a lot grosser stuff at traffic accidents than in any martial arts environment. Let's just say that human skull is crunchy when you walk on bits of it and leave it at that.
I don't know if this really qualifies as "gross", but it did seem to freak out a few people at the time. And it's still funny to see peoples reactions if I tell the story...

Shortly after I lost my eye, I was sparring and threw a spinning hook kick. The centripedal force caused the prosthesis to come out, which caused my opponent to forget allllll about blocking or evading the kick. His hands came down and he just watched the eye bounce across the mats.

Dropped him like a bad habit, but it's not really a tactic I recommend. I've since made it a point to close that eye during spins.
...I was sparring and threw a spinning hook kick. The centripedal force caused the prosthesis to come out, which caused my opponent to forget allllll about blocking or evading the kick....

I've got tears in my eyes and I pulled a muscle somewhere in my midsection because I've been laughing too hard for the past 3 minutes after reading this post... I tried reading it to my wife but I could hardly finish a single word without cracking up... she finally just walked away shaking her head... oh man, that's funny.
A large amount of my own blood pouring put of my head from a rather stupid incident involving a sword.

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I had a student take (or carry around from earlier in the day) a BM in his pants and shake the pieces down his/her pants leg during class. They looked like pieces of chocolate cookies, so I got angry and started asking my assistants, "Who was eating on the floor?" I picked up the "evidence" and it felt like cookies, too. Until I caught the odor, that is. I had to run out and do some serious hand washing. And I never did discover who the culprit was.
I had a student take (or carry around from earlier in the day) a BM in his pants and shake the pieces down his/her pants leg during class. They looked like pieces of chocolate cookies, so I got angry and started asking my assistants, "Who was eating on the floor?" I picked up the "evidence" and it felt like cookies, too. Until I caught the odor, that is. I had to run out and do some serious hand washing. And I never did discover who the culprit was.

That was so gross, I wish I had not read it...
In MA, before they used headgear & mats in TKD tournaments. A guy gets dropped with an axe kick to the face & hits the wooden basketball floor hard (back of his head hit before the rest of his body!) He was unconscious. Tons of blood.

Dirty Dog & my ER experiences don't count for this thread. He as a nurse, mine as a chaplain. Too many stories. Many gross.
Just remembered a HS wrestling tournament I attended where one of the kids had a glass eye that got knocked out of his head when he got taken down hard. Everyone freaked out, the ref stopped the match, and when they realized what it was they were ready to continue. I don`t know why he didn`t just toss it to his coach and continue w/o it, but the kid just popped it in his mouth to "wash" it and slipped it into place. Now since he didn`t have a mirror to look into when he replaced it, the eye wasn`t straight. So when they went to continue the match one eye was staring right at his opponant, and the glass one was staring off to one side. It was enough to freak his opponant out and cause him to lose the match shortly after.

As for freaking out over a little poop, you guys must not have little kids of pets. Wash tour hands. Disinfect the mats. Shudder, and move on.