Greetings To All

Greetings to everyone. My name is Andrew I'm 23 and I like long walks on the beach and candle lit that that's out of the way....

I've been a student of traditional Okinawan Shogen Ryu for roughly 5 years now and have been studying martial arts in total for 10 years. I also have experience (however limited) in Aikido, BJJ, J.K.D. concepts, and a couple forms of Kung Fu.

I have found that there are several MA forums online and after months of research I have found that this one seems to be top of the list.

I look forward to future posts and future idea swapping.

Welcome through the doors, Kennedy. I think you'll find that your initial analysis of the high quality of MartialTalk as a forum is correct :D.
Andrew like you say this is one of the best places to be, so Welcome and enjoy your stay.
You show a good amount of insite already, welcome and enjoy.
You show a good amount of insite already

I greatly appreciate the kind words, I personally am honored to be given the chance to share and exchange so many ideas with so many well informed martial artists, I feel like already I have grown and learned so much! Domo arrigato to all of you for helping me in my martial growth!