Old Happy Tiger
Orange Belt
I'm happy to be here.... I hope I'm not rambling on too much.
My past martial arts experience is in Kempo Karate back in the 80's (purple belt) which was a combination of Villari and Mitose origins, Yang Tai Chi Chuan (TaiJiQuan) from two lineages Cheng Man-Ching and also Yang Cheng Fu and a little bit of Aikikai Aikido (5th kyu). The longest studying and training that I had was in Kempo but I have a great respect still for each of these martial arts that I was trained in.
I have some physical limitations and I really need to lose weight so I'm getting back into martial arts as that is the only thing that will keep my focus going forward.I am looking around my area for a school (dojo / kwoon) to join (checking each out after the virus situation has lifted). I want to try a different style that I have not tried before that I can do with my current limitations. So far, I have the following interest in these:
Jeet Kune Do
Krav Maga
I think the Jeet Kune Do is my top choice as it seems to fit my physical needs to best, but I'm going to look at all of them again after the virus pandemic is lifted. I look forward to checking out the forums here. Thank You.
I'm happy to be here.... I hope I'm not rambling on too much.
My past martial arts experience is in Kempo Karate back in the 80's (purple belt) which was a combination of Villari and Mitose origins, Yang Tai Chi Chuan (TaiJiQuan) from two lineages Cheng Man-Ching and also Yang Cheng Fu and a little bit of Aikikai Aikido (5th kyu). The longest studying and training that I had was in Kempo but I have a great respect still for each of these martial arts that I was trained in.
I have some physical limitations and I really need to lose weight so I'm getting back into martial arts as that is the only thing that will keep my focus going forward.I am looking around my area for a school (dojo / kwoon) to join (checking each out after the virus situation has lifted). I want to try a different style that I have not tried before that I can do with my current limitations. So far, I have the following interest in these:
Jeet Kune Do
Krav Maga
I think the Jeet Kune Do is my top choice as it seems to fit my physical needs to best, but I'm going to look at all of them again after the virus pandemic is lifted. I look forward to checking out the forums here. Thank You.