Greetings from Ponca City, Oklahoma


Black Belt
Hi everyone. Sorry if I see this part of the forum only now, but Yahoo took me streight to the MA forum I was interested and didn't think about checking the rest of them.
I was born and raised in Milano, a big city in Italy. There I used to go to a park and play soccer and once in a while I would watch group of people doing Tai Chi (back then I had no idea what it was) and I would stay there like hypnotized.
I looked into the thing and found out what it was, but when I heard the words Martial Art maybe for laziness, maybe for fear of getting hurt or maybe because of my kinda round body I never took any class there.
I got married and moved here to USA and since my wife does kung fu, she convinced me not to let my problems let me down and so I decided to take Tai Chi classes here...only problem the closest school is a couple of hours away from here.

So like many I checked for online courses and found out that Micheal Gilman offered detailed free classes online. Looked into the person and seeing that his master (Choy Kam-can) was the son of a Yang Chengfu student I thought it should be a good start (and even tho my little knowledge I think he is a good master).
I got caught in the "trap" (hee hee in a good way) and I bought many DVDs' showing the Yang Style Long Form, applications, exercises, Duei La, Chi Kung....and planned to buy few more :)

Last night I found out that maybe at a local church a guy will start teaching Tai Chi...probably it will be a Yang Style 24 for health reason with no MA involvement, but if it's true I will go, at least I can work on the correction of my stances.

Ok, I better stop here for my presentation :)