Greetings from maine!


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2023
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Hello everyone, I'm new. I study kali and live in maine. I look forward to learning alot here and also helping others out if I can. Any other fma practitioners here?
Welcome to Martial Talk. Thank you for finding us and we hope your stay here is beneficial. :)
Yup. Welcome to the forum!

How long have you studied kali, and what's your favorite part?
I've studied 3 years on and off, but I'm getting consistent lately and staying training as much as possible with my schedule. My favorite part? Thats hard I love training but I'd have to say single baston drills. I also love training footwork. I Love the art and I'm trying to make Training and learning a lifestyle. What fma style do you practice?
I've studied 3 years on and off, but I'm getting consistent lately and staying training as much as possible with my schedule. My favorite part? Thats hard I love training but I'd have to say single baston drills. I also love training footwork. I Love the art and I'm trying to make Training and learning a lifestyle. What fma style do you practice?
I practice (well, practiced; moved 2 months ago) pekiti tirsia kali. I'm glad footwork! Something I noticed trying to find a new fma school is a lot don't focus on footwork, which is mindblowing to me since IMO that's the most important part!
I practice (well, practiced; moved 2 months ago) pekiti tirsia kali. I'm glad footwork! Something I noticed trying to find a new fma school is a lot don't focus on footwork, which is mindblowing to me since IMO that's the most important part!
Oh nice! I like some of the pekiti stuff and I incorporate a little bit of some of the drills and I like the footwork from that style. I personally practice dekiti tirsia siradas so we are kind of like cousin arts lol. Footwork is so important and the whole system is based on it if you think about it, the empty hands and defense techniques and even getting angles for attack and counter attacks all need good footwork. I admit my footwork isn't my strongest but I'm working on it trying to make a weakness a strength.
Welcome.. None of my family live up there now.. Used to have family near Wells.. and use to travel up there sometimes and also up to Camden / Rockport area where some of my Wife's famly also used to live.. Beautiful drive on coastal rte 1.. I really miss it up there.
Yes! Currently studying Eskrido De Alcuizar, which comes out of both Doce Pares (Candawan) with aspects of Balintawak as GM Alcuizar had good relationships with both GM’s.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I look forward to improving my knowledge and learning here and also if anyone needs help or answers and I can help. I've seen some of the members here before(not in person) but I recognize the names, a few have written books or done instructional videos honestly I am humbled and grateful to be here.
Welcome.. None of my family live up there now.. Used to have family near Wells.. and use to travel up there sometimes and also up to Camden / Rockport area where some of my Wife's famly also used to live.. Beautiful drive on coastal rte 1.. I really miss it up there.
Yeah it's definitely beautiful on route 1, my favorite season here is fall the leaves and the cool crisp air, there's nothing better than a nice fall in maine to me. I grew up not too far from those places you listed midcoast area. The winters can be brutal though! We lost power for 3 days around Christmas it sucked and it didn't help that the generator stopped working lol.
Yes! Currently studying Eskrido De Alcuizar, which comes out of both Doce Pares (Candawan) with aspects of Balintawak as GM Alcuizar had good relationships with both GM’s.
I've heard nothing but great things about doce pares and balintawak, do you have any videos or names of videos of demonstrations of your style I can look up on YouTube? I'd be interested to see how your gm mixed the 2 and how it looks. Our style has some similarities with both of those arts but also some differences, for instance balintawak guys keep the sticks very close to the body and some other arts flail we are kind of in the middle we flail a little but try to keep the baston close to the body to protect our sides when throwing angles 1 and 2. But I'm also a newb but thats just an observation I made.