Greetings from Finland!

Chikudun Henryu

White Belt
This website looks like the right thing I was searching for and the people seem to have a mature knowledge of martial arts. It's like I have found some soul mates here!

My name is Henri, but you may also call me Henry. I have started my path as a martial artist at the age of seven, training in the traditional arts of karate (goju-ryu, shito-ryu, shorin-ryu). Because of my devotion and love to karate, I also study histories and principles of other (Asian) martial arts.
When I reached the age of fifteen, I experienced an enlightenment. I noticed that I wasn't just improving my physical abilities - my mental strength increased tremendously too. I haven't just grown up as a martial artist - but as a person, too.
Martial arts have also provided me shelter. Whenever life gets me down, I can overcome the challenges. Karate training has compensated many things in my life like an unfortunate childhood, relationships and other "luxuries of life". Karate is everything for me, and I am very grateful and I owe a lot to martial arts.
I have a dream... I hope that one day I could travel around the world and try training in different martial arts around the world. That would be the adventure of a lifetime!

I try to be as active as possible on these forums, but let's see what happens, because next monday I start my military service in the military police training (I hope).
Thank you for your interest, brothers and sisters! And Happy New Year!
Welcome brother! I hope your training for the MP's is hard because like martial arts, anything easy isn't worth doing.
Thank you! I heard that the MP training is quite challenging, which makes things more fascinating! The harder the work, the more rewarding it is.
Welcome to this site, Henri. Your passion for martial arts and life are refreshing. I am sure MT will add to all you seek.
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Thank you! I heard that the MP training is quite challenging, which makes things more fascinating! The harder the work, the more rewarding it is.
I'd say this depends where your training. Place where i served my army time, it was place for the "left overs", not that it would be easier than others, but not realy that challenging ether. If you want challange you probely should try to become "aliupseeri"(can't think of the english name now).

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