Great Movies of Late


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Now I know.. many of you are going to laugh.. but Seig bought me Lion King 1 1/2 .. and Oh he and I ROARED with laughter.. it doesn't have any whiney plot and talk about FUNNY.. Totally serious here.. it's made for adults :D
I'd wondered about that movie- knowing nothing about it, I just assumed it was a remake of the first one and not worth buying since I have the first one I will look into it though!!

As for other movies- I don't get out to the theatre much anymore- but I loved the Pirates of the Carribean movie and the Lord of the Rings movies- also Sea Biscuit.

:asian: :karate:
Shodan said:
I'd wondered about that movie- knowing nothing about it, I just assumed it was a remake of the first one and not worth buying since I have the first one I will look into it though!!

As for other movies- I don't get out to the theatre much anymore- but I loved the Pirates of the Carribean movie and the Lord of the Rings movies- also Sea Biscuit.

:asian: :karate:

It was really worth watching~!! :D
I adore Pirates of the Carribean too and of course it's in our collection .. sure hope they have a sequel as good as the first ~!
LOTR are all in our collection and they are Fantastic.. as well as all the Harry Potter and well gee we have well over 100 DVDS.. .. *G*
did they use all of the same voices as in the first Lion King...I know Timone and Pumba's characters had the same voices...but did they have to get someone new for Simba and the rest..?
"Shall we run for our lives?" "Oh, yes, let's."

I almost did a Tess and fell out of my chair on that line. Tina picked the movie up for the "kids" so that we could test out the surround sound system she got me for valentines but she and I laughed more than the kids did. For those that haven't seen it yet think "Mystery Science Theater 3000" meets "The Lion King". Well worth the money.
theletch1 said:
"Shall we run for our lives?" "Oh, yes, let's."

I almost did a Tess and fell out of my chair on that line. Tina picked the movie up for the "kids" so that we could test out the surround sound system she got me for valentines but she and I laughed more than the kids did. For those that haven't seen it yet think "Mystery Science Theater 3000" meets "The Lion King". Well worth the money.

heheee "Oh yes~! Let's" Absolutely adding that to the Classic Movie lines *G* *chortles~!!!
Surround sound is Sooo great and now with the Big screen.. We are watching all our movies over again ~ :D
Chronuss said:
did they use all of the same voices as in the first Lion King...I know Timone and Pumba's characters had the same voices...but did they have to get someone new for Simba and the rest..?

yeppers.. all the original voices.. Absolutely a HOOT~!!