Great Ape, Guardian and Master, I hereby Summon You!

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monkey said:
I tried to break up! I have the uncommon use of dial up.It wont let me break up or paragraph.I try to separate with dashes.This is the only way till I get high speed net via cable.I cant answer all the questions in many posts.They each ask multi & demand immediate responce.Kind of hard with dial up.
I think I see what you are talking about.

Your thinking "break up" as multiple posts.

I mean break up by using your "ENTER" button.

So your post would look like this:
monkey said:
I tried to break up!

I have the uncommon use of dial up. It wont let me break up or paragraph.I try to separate with dashes.

This is the only way till I get high speed net via cable.

I cant answer all the questions in many posts.They each ask multi & demand immediate responce.

Kind of hard with dial up.
monkey said:
I know his name but,if I state it its people like you that say state the teacher 7 rank--wait your name dropping & you have rakns but you name drop, hence no need to mention the skills or the art learnd.So How do I state the Referance as i have tried befor with out being convicted of name dropping ect..?As for you How convenient snide remark Checkmate!

If I understand the above post correctly, you are refusing to show proof of something simple to prove.

Hence, you are lying. The person never existed and you indeed learned off of video tapes and that explains why you really know nothing about the subject matter.

If you give the name of the person and proved it was a real person that actually taught you, it would not be name dropping. It would be backing up what you said. That is what an honorable person does. You do not fall in that catagory. But we would still be willing to help you if you dropped the deception and took the proper attitude of one who needs to learn from the rest of us.
Read these post befor you continu to say anythig.You might see you not realy stating fact that are relivent to why this page Great monkey thing was done.It was done becouse black adder didnt like the post comments I was getting & he tried to interurpt & was told to keep it friendly. Look at Quickjab as a set up ,wing chun dummy/kicks, Raking mace, kuntao macan, Bruce Tegner.
thats 5 post that state I had good post.& 1 of you who seem to be on this post now.Funny how soon they forget.Yet they know all the arts.
For ninja training at the time His school had the name of Grand Dragon Martial Arts 610 Rosemore Houston Tx 77076 The instructor was Joe DensonI recieved my rank from him Dec 5 1989 reg #rd12058931 title on card specifies 1st dan ninjuitsu.
sorry miss print im not yelling just stating reprint of NINJITSU.The letters I & u are tight together but I cought it & error correct noted.
monkey said:
For ninja training at the time His school had the name of Grand Dragon Martial Arts 610 Rosemore Houston Tx 77076 The instructor was Joe DensonI recieved my rank from him Dec 5 1989 reg #rd12058931 title on card specifies 1st dan ninjuitsu.

Was he affiliated with Grandmaster Ashida Kim's Black Dragon Fighting Society?
He had some kind of tie to some guy Bussey & there was some other.I have had contact with Vandunk & there was some kind of like.Not sure if what rank he got.
But when you start you own ways '
You become the founder & rank how you want.
monkey said:
For ninja training at the time His school had the name of Grand Dragon Martial Arts 610 Rosemore Houston Tx 77076 The instructor was Joe DensonI recieved my rank from him Dec 5 1989 reg #rd12058931 title on card specifies 1st dan ninjuitsu.

I am sure that people will check things out. Until they can prove that you are telling the truth, then I will continue to treat it as a falsehood by you. Yahoo maps does not seem to be able to find a Rosemore in Houston. I am rather certain that no one will be able to find this guy just as no one was able to find the ninjutsu teacher that supposably taught Bruce Calkins.
i notice so far Mr. Roley every post you carry a negative additude,Talk to me with respect or I no longer answer you.I aswered your quetions You insted of the name drop thing you took the other road & stated nothing.Honor be gets honor.I hold Authintic ranks A Master I gave you honor-dont disrespect me again.
monkey said:
i notice so far Mr. Roley every post you carry a negative additude,Talk to me with respect or I no longer answer you.I aswered your quetions You insted of the name drop thing you took the other road & stated nothing.Honor be gets honor.I hold Authintic ranks A Master I gave you honor-dont disrespect me again.

You lied to me about your teacher. That is not something that shows honor. Why should I treat you with anything other than the attitude I have when you lied to me? There is not even a street named Rosemore in Houston that I can find. If you want to be treated better, start treating us with respect- and that means telling the truth. Until then, I can't help but treat you as someone who lies and not as you like because you have been caught in at least one huge lie.
Now that I know how to type the way look at htese posts & see I have been complimented on my ways.
Quick jab as a set up
Raking mace
wing chun dummy/kicks in wing chun
kuntao macan
Bruce Tegner
See I have lots of goopd post yet black adder wasnt happy with this.
Hence he set up the Great monkey post as some kind or religous sumoning & if you go back a page there is 1 who apoligised .
He thought this was some kind of joke at first ,now he sees black adder set out from the beginning to defermate -stalk & post bad comment 7 keep all others from reading what I said.
I did privaote time in my trianing with the founders of the arts.If you check Remy did come to Calif alot & Chico as well.Same with Ernesto.
My card is old & hard to read my wife read it to me
Dragon Martial Arts Club
610 Robmore
HoustonTx 77076

this is how the address reads on the back.Try that.
monkey said:
Dont know-I did private & I didnt Know for ten years that Tae Kwon do had ATA-ITA-ATF-ITF ect.I dont know of the orginised arts or clubs.I do the arts.To join a group of people dosent make it more or less effective or authentic.Here are the arts I studied Kung-fu , Tai chi , PaQua , Jeet kune do , Kali , Escrima , Arnis , Harrimou , Tae kwon do , Kosho kempo , & monkey every viable combat form of it from Kuntao , Silat , Shaolin & just a mix of all for an overvew of all.The ninja type I had came from Tx. We had the obstacle cource,takagie-ninjato,shrinkins,rolls, ect.I was give a belt for the time I did.Some looked Korean based & some Japanese.I cant say haw much was what as I only did 1yr.Most the arts I has were 1 to 4 years.Arnis I had 20yrs from 75-95. Jeet kune do 2 in Oakland under both Lees.Im 55 yrs old.Started the arts at 6 & still doing them.Many just 1 to 4 years like I said.But, thats what the arts are .You do all or as many as you can.Martial is for all the combative arts.I dont do sports.I enjoy seeing competition but I never saw the gifts of the arts for deslay & trophey.


I think this is the problem. Please note the bold in your above post. Reading the above, while you have trained in many arts, the only one in which you've put in any serious time is Arnis! It seems to me anyway that this is a typical case of a "Jack of all trades, Master of None!" There is nothing wrong with studying more than one art at the same time, but I would get a solid base in ONE art first, before I take on something else. In addition, I would NOT run around and talk like I'm an expert on something if I only spent ONE year in an art!

But, thats what the arts are .You do all or as many as you can.

I think you'll find many that disagree with you Tom.

In closing Tom, I think that you're very set in your ways, and you seem to get very upset if someone tries to tell you something different. There are people here, on this forum, such as Don, who has been training in BBT, lives in Japan, and whom I would consider a very good source on the art. You're coming on here making some pretty outrageous claims, he's proving you wrong, and you're getting mad.

Again, as far as rank certificates far as videos of them go...what does that prove? I can tape my material, my certs. and show them to people all over the world, but that is NOT going to prove whether or not I know how to do Kenpo! Seeing is believing Tom! I have over 6,000 posts on this forum. Very few times have I talked about my teachers or a famous person. Why is that necessary for you, regardless if its for reference or not? Its the same thing over and over Tom. And before you say that I don't have respect for my teachers...I do have a ton of respect for them Tom, but I don't need to bring up their names in every post!
monkey said:
i notice so far Mr. Roley every post you carry a negative additude,Talk to me with respect or I no longer answer you.I aswered your quetions You insted of the name drop thing you took the other road & stated nothing.Honor be gets honor.I hold Authintic ranks A Master I gave you honor-dont disrespect me again.

Tom, please feel free to use the ignore feature found on everyones profile, if you're not interested in reading what they have to say. And as for respect...I've always been a believer in this. Respect is a 2 way street. You have to give it to get it.

monkey said:
My card is old & hard to read my wife read it to me
Dragon Martial Arts Club
610 Robmore
HoustonTx 77076

this is how the address reads on the back.Try that.

Right... after a quick check of yahoo to make sure that the address actually existed, yes?
I dont bring up my teachers names on every post .I stae 5 post & clearly you havent read them or you wouldnt say that. As far as Jack of all trade.
I have not heard you go up to jkd concepts people & say thatface to face .
Modern arnis is comprised of Balintawak-katarate-jujistu to name a few.So you acuse some one that had 1 or 4 years in modern arnis not skilled.Wrong aswer.
Kajukepo has multi arts & yet you dont call them a jack of all trades .
This is a forum that gose out nationaly.People will read my post & I have many responces back stateing you are wrong to talk to me as such.Ive been more then patient-If i tried to call you liers or the things yousaid to me -Id be banded off the forum.Yet you do this & people want to know nationaly why you dont exepct my ranks-When they were nationaly posted in fma mag & this forum.Bob Hubbord stated no tampering & they look autheintc.I was told to post them & my videos.Now that I have
seems you still cant except it.I have sent footage of me & Remy to Mr Hubord.He didnt post all my videos.I have sent my videos to Rob Lee-Dan Anderson & few others,They have not stated as you & now the alomst 4000 that click on the forum will want to know Why you cant except I have skills & ranks.You seem to want to be the only one .
I trained privately & have been noted as region dirctor Nationaly posted.Fma dosent dispute it.Only you.
Ok Mr Roley now you see the addres is real.I still see a post above on this sight were you said I lied.I never said such to you or called to you.Yet i dont see any omition of the said accused lie I was to have told & yet you clearly stated the addres is real.
monkey said:
If i tried to call you liers or the things yousaid to me -Id be banded off the forum.

The difference is that none of us have been caught in lies. All of us can show proof to everything we say. That is not something you can say. When we talk about things, they fit the known facts. Again, that is not something you can say.

Some people get mad at people like you and leave martialtalk. Others get a good laugh out of the silliness people like you write and try to continue the gag. Even in this thread, you have been made a fool of by the fact that you could not understand some stuff the rest of us know.

I think it is sad that someone should be laughed at like you are. I know you do not have much knowledge in martial arts and lie to us. But I still would like to see you finally start on the honorable path and begin to learn some skills in martial arts. To see you laughed at over you lack of intelligence and knowlege is kind of amusing to some, but it is just sad for me to watch.

If you were to do the right thing, admit your sins and start as the begginer you are, then people would help you. But you need to show some honor by stopping the lies and the attitude towards others. We can't help you to finally achieve some skill if you continue to act the way you do.
monkey said:
Ok Mr Roley now you see the addres is real.I still see a post above on this sight were you said I lied.I never said such to you or called to you.Yet i dont see any omition of the said accused lie I was to have told & yet you clearly stated the addres is real.

It may be a real address, but it seems to be a residential address rather than a school location. If you went to this place as you say, I would not think you would have ever said it was Rosemore. And then there is the matter that we have no other proof that you actually had training. No one to say they trained you, or trained along side you. No mention of your teacher on internet data bases and for all we know you pulled the address out of a friends date book.

Again, we went through the same thing with Bruce Calkins. And look how he ended up.
I havent seen anything said from Mr.Randle
Wait isnt this the one that could have posted on the qick jab as a set up
I beleave it was to the effect I agree with monkey good post.
Interesting that this one no loger has bad to say.When they are shown they complimented me.
Funny -yet odd-yet now nationaly known & posted.
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