Great Ape, Guardian and Master, I hereby Summon You!

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If you look threw post page 5 of the grate monkey sumoning occultish crap -youll see they called me a lier I had to state address & name ect & ranks.Soon confirmed it was a real address but they wont resend the part of lier.
Why descuse autisum on the computor.This gives them more to laugh about .Though I an highly respected out side this site.I see in it if one is not tought & paying tribute to them .All others skills are void to them.
It dosent matter the art or style. we were tought 1 to 4 years gives you insight of that art If confronted by it -how to recognise & defeat by means of other styles.If you go to 4 yrs of collage & graduate that certificate is good all over.Only this site I found a few saying time in the arts mean nothiing but they will train me.
I had private time with Remy-Ernesto-Bruce Lee-Angle Cables was another that did privates & not mass classes.Yet they see people like Inosanto ok for doing & traing the same,
Published last year Inosanto black belt Machados grappling. Now the concepts teach that.1-4 years earn instructor ranks.Some Black some dont have belts just Instructors.
Ive be posted nationaly for state rep-my ranks posted nationaly in philippino mag. The Presas family knows of me & my ranks & verify authentic.Dan Inosanto verifies my ranks autheintic.Yet this summoning of bias & defermation using so called occult ways (which 1 did applologise for on this post around page 4 I beleave it to be.)I do semionars at Inosanto schools hence Im authentic buit some poeple only that say I m crap.Look at the Chi-Fong ha post & read all & see what they say.Read the jeet kune do post & see what they say.Amaising i must have skills.I also had the same on Quick jab post & many others,only here & the who is tom carnes do these peole not repect what I say or say Im qualified to teach.Funny how this baist summoning is one.If I did this to any member Id be asked to leave.Yet here it is for the nation to see defermation & occult summoning to defame an diabled army vet.Im not mad-I dont have an attitued.If I did as an army vet there would be missing posts,
MOnkey I sir begg you to just let this whole thing go and continue to put your efforts into thread that have some meany here on MT, this is going no where faster and faster.

We are both MA'ers and we stand on our dignity, we can not change people views and it is no use trying. God i the nd wilknow who is right and who was wrong until then let us be the bigger of MA'ers and stop this silly tidit of a post.
I would like to go into a decussion about Artism we have student who has been dianosed with it and I believ you me and Shesulsa could have a very productive thread.
monkey said:
If you look threw post page 5 of the grate monkey sumoning occultish crap -youll see they called me a lier I had to state address & name ect & ranks.Soon confirmed it was a real address but they wont resend the part of lier.

To be exact, you made a mistake of a street name where you claim to have trained to black belt level. Not many people would make that mistake considering the time spent to get it. And an address means little. Your teacher is not known to anyone it seems, is too dead to confirm what you say and your certificates and such have had questions about them being altered and faked.

If you could give a person's name, and then we went to that person and had them tell us that you indeed did train with him, then your story would be confirmed. Instead, you are in the same boat as Ashida Kim with the name he gives for his teacher of Shendai.
monkey said:
If you look threw post page 5 of the grate monkey sumoning occultish crap -youll see they called me a lier I had to state address & name ect & ranks.Soon confirmed it was a real address but they wont resend the part of lier.
Yes, you said that. I can't force other people to acknowledge their mistakes and since I was not part of that, I will not apologize because I have nothing to apologize for.
Why descuse autisum on the computor.This gives them more to laugh about .
On the contrary, I think this gives us insight as to your posting style and since autism is so prevalent right now, it could provide excellent discussion - especially if you believe yours was chemically induced while under service to the military.
Though I an highly respected out side this site.I see in it if one is not tought & paying tribute to them .All others skills are void to them.
It dosent matter the art or style. we were tought 1 to 4 years gives you insight of that art If confronted by it -how to recognise & defeat by means of other styles.If you go to 4 yrs of collage & graduate that certificate is good all over.
Yes, enough to recognize it ... but not necessarily enough to know it quite well.
Only this site I found a few saying time in the arts mean nothiing but they will train me.
I had private time with Remy-Ernesto-Bruce Lee-Angle Cables was another that did privates & not mass classes.Yet they see people like Inosanto ok for doing & traing the same,
Published last year Inosanto black belt Machados grappling. Now the concepts teach that.1-4 years earn instructor ranks.Some Black some dont have belts just Instructors.
Ive be posted nationaly for state rep-my ranks posted nationaly in philippino mag. The Presas family knows of me & my ranks & verify authentic.Dan Inosanto verifies my ranks autheintic.Yet this summoning of bias & defermation using so called occult ways (which 1 did applologise for on this post around page 4 I beleave it to be.)I do semionars at Inosanto schools hence Im authentic buit some poeple only that say I m crap.Look at the Chi-Fong ha post & read all & see what they say.Read the jeet kune do post & see what they say.Amaising i must have skills.I also had the same on Quick jab post & many others,only here & the who is tom carnes do these peole not repect what I say or say Im qualified to teach.Funny how this baist summoning is one.If I did this to any member Id be asked to leave.Yet here it is for the nation to see defermation & occult summoning to defame an diabled army vet.Im not mad-I dont have an attitued.If I did as an army vet there would be missing posts,
I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at - you seem to be upset but claim you're not. In other areas of the board, there are links to disparaging comments regarding you from other locations, so you can't really say that this is the only place where this comes from. The "occult summoning" was certainly not real ... it was a figure of speech which I can see, if you are autistic, that you cannot comprehend. Thus it would follow that you possibly cannot comprehend what is being asked of you ... would you admit that being a possibility based upon the disability you have claimed?

Please be careful how you answer, sir. I am well-versed on autism and its chemical induction.
monkey said:
I know history wise Otsuka was tought by Kano & Funakoshi

Once again you show that you really don't know what you're talking about. Ohtsuka wasn't taught by Kano. He studied Shindo Yoshin ryu jujutsu before he started karate. And his (main) karate teachers were Funakoshi and Motobu

This thread has pretty much run its course. I doubt that anymore productive discussion will be taking place, so at this time the thread is closed.

Mike Slosek

MT Super Mod.
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