Grandson Tae Kwon Do testing-thoughts.


Black Belt
Today I attended my 11 year old grandson's purple belt testing. There were approximately 30 students. youngest appeared to 5 or so, there were two about this age, one green belt and one purple belt. (white,yellow,orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red, black) rest were less than 14 years old by my guess except for one adult male about 40 years old (take some guts as an adult to be in a class of young children, in my opinion).There were The two very young girls were very cute. They seem to know the moves, but lacked any power, snap or sharpness in their movements. Almost like live slow motion. There were 5 green belts. Four were called up to do forms. as a group they did four forms. my gandson was not in this group. then he was called to join the group for the last form, which he did successfully. others were then tested. The adult was last. He was a blue belt. He was asked to start with form 5. He did 3 moves and stopped. started over. stopped started over. he was then tken aside by a black belt and instructed for a few minutes. He returned and successfuly did form 5. But messed up form 6 twice. he was again taken aside, instructed, and then messed up again. Head instructer moved group on to board brakeing testing. Then everyone took turns of breaking 1/4" poplar boards. Everyone was promoted.

I took Tang Soo Do lessons about 40 years ago. for a year. All of the forms were very similar to what I learned. Interesting.

My grandson only performed one form for his test. Interesting.

The adult received a brown belt after completing one form. Interesting.

Some of the students execution eas lacking. They were watching the perdon next to them to know what to do next. Interesting.

What level of competence is expected of a year olds. ???

We call this a Martial Art. to me that implies a level of violence, military,war, fighting. harming ones opponent, if necessary. This group appeared to be more exercise, calisthenics, firness, dance movements than self defense when faced with violence. Is this really a Martial Art?But, what does one expect from children?

I have started Karate recently. I will be 79 years old shortly. I am old, short, fat, stiff, slow and hard of hearing. I have no expectation of MMA, boxing, street fighting, or defending my self from a 6" 225# 22 year old who is in good shape. Why am I doing this-for my health. I can now bend over and touch to ground, couldn't before. I can put my pants on without having to hang on to something to keep from falling over. I have lost a few pounds. So am I like the 5 years olds in my grandson's class?

Just a few thoughts.
Today I attended my 11 year old grandson's purple belt testing. There were approximately 30 students. youngest appeared to 5 or so, there were two about this age, one green belt and one purple belt. (white,yellow,orange, green, purple, blue, brown, red, black) rest were less than 14 years old by my guess except for one adult male about 40 years old (take some guts as an adult to be in a class of young children, in my opinion).There were The two very young girls were very cute. They seem to know the moves, but lacked any power, snap or sharpness in their movements. Almost like live slow motion. There were 5 green belts. Four were called up to do forms. as a group they did four forms. my gandson was not in this group. then he was called to join the group for the last form, which he did successfully. others were then tested. The adult was last. He was a blue belt. He was asked to start with form 5. He did 3 moves and stopped. started over. stopped started over. he was then tken aside by a black belt and instructed for a few minutes. He returned and successfuly did form 5. But messed up form 6 twice. he was again taken aside, instructed, and then messed up again. Head instructer moved group on to board brakeing testing. Then everyone took turns of breaking 1/4" poplar boards. Everyone was promoted.

I took Tang Soo Do lessons about 40 years ago. for a year. All of the forms were very similar to what I learned. Interesting.

My grandson only performed one form for his test. Interesting.

The adult received a brown belt after completing one form. Interesting.

Some of the students execution eas lacking. They were watching the perdon next to them to know what to do next. Interesting.

What level of competence is expected of a year olds. ???

We call this a Martial Art. to me that implies a level of violence, military,war, fighting. harming ones opponent, if necessary. This group appeared to be more exercise, calisthenics, firness, dance movements than self defense when faced with violence. Is this really a Martial Art?But, what does one expect from children?

I have started Karate recently. I will be 79 years old shortly. I am old, short, fat, stiff, slow and hard of hearing. I have no expectation of MMA, boxing, street fighting, or defending my self from a 6" 225# 22 year old who is in good shape. Why am I doing this-for my health. I can now bend over and touch to ground, couldn't before. I can put my pants on without having to hang on to something to keep from falling over. I have lost a few pounds. So am I like the 5 years olds in my grandson's class?

Just a few thoughts.
I think what you’re doing is terrific. Mad respect.

Enjoy the hell out of it. And don’t trip over any of the youngins. 🙏🤗
I am not progressing very fast on learning the moves of Karate, but the benefits to my body are great. It is frustrating but I am going to stick with it.
This should be in the Korean martial arts section, but... I'll say that it's probably best that you leave the judging to the panel.
Ok. Actuall, I was hoping to address my reaction rather than focus on my grandson experience. If it will help, one of the assistant teachers had a black belt with KARATE embroidered on her belt in English. I didn't get a chance to talk to her. I just started to take Karate and have a ton of question, which is probably evident from my threads. Thanks, though, I will keep subject matter jusrisdiction in mind in the future.
Here is a video, I found interesting, on giving kids black belts.

Guess I have alway thought a black belt meant you could fight. Don't know how or where I got that idea, movies?
Sorry, it was late, I was tired, Memory is not what it used to be, here:

Stop Giving Out Black Belts (To Kids)​

Here is a video, I found interesting, on giving kids black belts.

Guess I have alway thought a black belt meant you could fight. Don't know how or where I got that idea, movies?
I guess that every school or organization has its own standards. You should be able to determine your school’s standard by observing a test.
I have been thinking about this kids black belt issue for me since I posted

"We call this a Martial Art. to me that implies a level of violence, military,war, fighting. harming ones opponent, if necessary."

This was my opinion until recently. I formed it without much actual education, just from movies and TV shows. But yestereday I realized that if proficiency at fighting was a requirement for the kids it was also for "older" adults, like me , with spitting distance of 80 years old. And the Sensi of the dojo I attend is 86 years old, And he really know a lot and is in very good shape and has years of experience but......

And if the goal was proficiency at fighting the rest of ones life doesn't matter. From what I read the idea of martial arts is to improve ones whole life, physical, spiritual, mental, life style. All of which has limited impact on fighting skill. I came across this quote

"There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists."
If it is only about fighting, what there for the rest of us.

I have only been doing this for 5 months now. But my flexability has improved and I can now put my pants on without have to hold onto something to keep from falling. LOL. But at my age not falling has value.

So I have come to the conclusion that Karate offeres me a lot of benefits other than fighting, So to for the children.

Love this Mahiro & Masaki performing Heian Shodan-Godan and Tekki Shodan

I have been thinking about this kids black belt issue for me since I posted

"We call this a Martial Art. to me that implies a level of violence, military,war, fighting. harming ones opponent, if necessary."

This was my opinion until recently. I formed it without much actual education, just from movies and TV shows. But yestereday I realized that if proficiency at fighting was a requirement for the kids it was also for "older" adults, like me , with spitting distance of 80 years old. And the Sensi of the dojo I attend is 86 years old, And he really know a lot and is in very good shape and has years of experience but......

And if the goal was proficiency at fighting the rest of ones life doesn't matter. From what I read the idea of martial arts is to improve ones whole life, physical, spiritual, mental, life style. All of which has limited impact on fighting skill. I came across this quote

"There are no superior martial arts, only superior martial artists."
If it is only about fighting, what there for the rest of us.

I have only been doing this for 5 months now. But my flexability has improved and I can now put my pants on without have to hold onto something to keep from falling. LOL. But at my age not falling has value.

So I have come to the conclusion that Karate offeres me a lot of benefits other than fighting, So to for the children.

Love this Mahiro & Masaki performing Heian Shodan-Godan and Tekki Shodan

I wasn’t an adult when I earned Cho Dan, and I say earned since we have only one standard. So I did the same test that the adults did; no slack.
From what I read the idea of martial arts is to improve ones whole life, physical, spiritual, mental, life style. All of which has limited impact on fighting skill.
What if you read that "the idea of martial arts is to improve one's fighting skill." All of which has limited impact on "one's whole life, physical, spiritual, mental, lifestyle." ??????
I guess that you could improve your whole life (physical, spiritual, mental, life style) with Karate and still be a poor fighter, or improve your fighting skills and be excellent fighter and not improve the rest of your life. Conclusion is that while they are related, improving one does not automatically result in improving the other, not necessary causally related to improvements????
I guess that you could improve your whole life (physical, spiritual, mental, life style) with Karate and still be a poor fighter, or improve your fighting skills and be excellent fighter and not improve the rest of your life. Conclusion is that while they are related, improving one does not automatically result in improving the other, not necessary causally related to improvements????

Training karate in the traditional manner, I think, will impact the mind, body, spirit. The methodology used fuses these three facets into the combat framework. If not by intended design, then as unintended benefits. Traditional discipline, mental and physical control, respect and a little ritual tossed in all contribute to this impact.

A key factor, however, if one wants to maximize the impact on mind, body and spirit, is fighting. Combat challenges us on each of these three facets of development. It is the heat that cooks and melds the ingredients, the heat that is the catalyst for transformation. Facing another, interacting with a greater or lesser degree of physical risk and pain (depending how hard core one is - and this is one's personal choice) has an effect on one's total being. Over years of TMA training, the fighting aspect enhances all the other benefits we're talking about.

Can you benefit from karate without fighting? Absolutely, but it then ceases to be a martial art and you are left with somewhat reduced related benefits as there is no heat to bring them to full potential. Also, missing is the ability for decisive action, quick reaction, recognizing threats, timing and tactical thinking. These things can only be developed by facing an opponent.

I actually agree with your conclusion. It depends on the student's personal approach to MA as well as the dojo environment as to what degree any facet of TMA is sought and developed. It's all good.
Interesting, I have never hear that fighting is a catalist to unify evrything. I have not experciened that. When I was younger I was involved in a few fights. I only won one. But since I stopped drinking I have not been involved in any fights. That was years ago, before my recent involvement with Karate. I intend to participate in whatever sparing is part of the program. But doubt at my age I will be involved in actual fighting. I never considered my limited previous involment in fighting to be anything other than pain from getting beaten up.

But interesting. Thanks.
I never considered my limited previous involment in fighting to be anything other than pain from getting beaten up.
Simply fighting, IMO, will not result in the maximum development we're talking about. It must be done with discipline and control, based on the principles, ideals and goals of the TMA. You will develop the way you practice.

As for being old, yeah, maybe over 70 is the limit for anything but soft, well controlled friendly sparring. But if you have trained well for a long time, the overall benefits you have gained will stay with you for a lifetime.
Thanks, I am short, fat, slow, fragile, hard of hearing. I blew past 70 years ago. But I am loosing weight, more flexable and have better balence. So I am benefiting from Karate.
It is called a "Martial Art" which implies military to me which implies Violence to me. Guess that is where I got the idea that it was about fighting.

I know military is about more than fighting, e.g. aiding in natural disasters, quelling riots, etc.

If you want peace, prepare for war.
It is called a "Martial Art" which implies military to me which implies Violence to me. Guess that is where I got the idea that it was about fighting.

I know military is about more than fighting, e.g. aiding in natural disasters, quelling riots, etc.

If you want peace, prepare for war.
Fighting is a part of the art. Yes, most militaries have a MA system that they use for the basis of their hand to hand combat training.