Grandmaster Bong Soo Han, RIP

Grand Master Han has not passed yet.


The website doesn't mention anything about his illness... or his current state of health...

BUT... glad to hear that GM Han is still with us...

My thoughts, prayers, and good energy go out to GM Han and his extended family!

Your Brother in the arts,

From his website:

Dear Martial Arts Community,

On January 8, 2007 at 6:00PM PST Grand Master Bong Soo Han peacefully passed away while at his home in Santa Monica surrounded by his family and friends.
We are in the process of finalizing arrangements for his memorial and services. As soon as the details have been finalized, we will post details on the site.
If you wish to donate to the services and memorial plaque for Grand Master Han, you can send checks payable to Bong Soo Han at 3201 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404.
If you wish to leave your comments about Grand Master Han or wish to read what he has meant to others, please click here.
On behalf of Grand Master Bong Soo Han, his family, and the International Hapkido Federation, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Master Eric Friske & Master Danny Cruz
Grandmaster did more for the martial arts world in general than most would ever know.
He will be missed.

your brother

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