Grand Master Dr. Dan Lusica

I'm glad that you posted this Hal-apino, but I'm curious how you found this. This is from a small town radio station, not a big media outlet. Were you looking for this sort of news story and ran across this one?

That is an easy answer. Years ago I signed up for google alerts on anything that says Taekwondo. Every morning, I get a long list of news articles, most of which are about 8 year old who will end up as Olympians. Every once in awhile is something worthwhile. Halapino collects articles on tkd masters and abuse. I sent it to her.
That is an easy answer. Years ago I signed up for google alerts on anything that says Taekwondo. Every morning, I get a long list of news articles, most of which are about 8 year old who will end up as Olympians. Every once in awhile is something worthwhile. Halapino collects articles on tkd masters and abuse. I sent it to her.

Oh, I see. Thank you, ma'am. I thought it was unusual to find such an item from an obscure source. Makes perfect sense now
That is an easy answer. Years ago I signed up for google alerts on anything that says Taekwondo. Every morning, I get a long list of news articles, most of which are about 8 year old who will end up as Olympians. Every once in awhile is something worthwhile. Halapino collects articles on tkd masters and abuse. I sent it to her.

Funny I have also had a google alert for taekwondo for several years as well, but this one wasn't sent to me.
Since others may share your issues - here it is. Maybe you didn't read the last item on the email or google likes me better.

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Fri, Jan 7, 2011 10:36 pm

STA to stage national team selection
[SIZE=-1]The Swazi Observer
TAEKWONDO - THE Swaziland Taekwondo Association (STA) will stage a national team selection tournaments at Manzini later this month. ...
See all stories on this topic »[/SIZE]Steppin In It live at The Green Door
[SIZE=-1]MSU State News
After receiving tips from one of his Taekwondo teaching assistants, criminal justice senior Brandon ... Graduate student Josh Orndorff tries on his ...
See all stories on this topic »[/SIZE]Saber's awesome foursome!
[SIZE=-1]Bradford Telegraph Argus
Four Saber Taekwondo students – Daniel Klein, Gabrielle Williams, Oliver Klein and Harvey Baxter passed their black-belt gradings at the 89th BTCB dan ...
See all stories on this topic »[/SIZE]Blue Ash/Montgomery Symphony young artists
[SIZE=-1] (blog)
Besides music, he balances his life with golf, and Taekwondo. He also holds a first degree black belt in Taekwondo certified under the World Taekwondo ...
See all stories on this topic »[/SIZE][SIZE=-2] (blog)[/SIZE]Martial Arts Instructor Arrested For Sex Crimes Against Minor
[SIZE=-1]KHTS Radio
... 64, was arrested on suspicion of committing a sex crime against an 8-year-old female who was a student at TaeKwonDo Center, USA on Bouquet Canyon Road. ...
See all stories on this topic »[/SIZE]
Oh, I see. Thank you, ma'am. I thought it was unusual to find such an item from an obscure source. Makes perfect sense now

I think its very unusual to remove a letter from an attorney and claim the attorney never wrote it! Who wrote it? Why did they Lie? What are they trying to cover up? Now if this guy is innocent, this sure does not help him in any way!
I think its very unusual to remove a letter from an attorney and claim the attorney never wrote it! Who wrote it? Why did they Lie? What are they trying to cover up? Now if this guy is innocent, this sure does not help him in any way!

I noticed that, as I read the original letter again, it was not written by a lawyer. It said something to the effect that "if anyone continues to spread this lie, they will be subject to prosecution." Any first year law student knows that in this situation, one would threaten to sue someone, not prosecute them.

I actually take the second note at face value. I'm sure a student of the "beloved GM" who has access to that site took it upon themselves to write the first note & say it was from the attorney/student. I could see it being a well-meaning high school student without the knowledge or consent of the attorney. (Dumb move!) Now the lawyer has to do damage control for his own reputation because it makes him sound like an idiot & the GM sound like a control freak who put the lawyer up to it.

So, I don't think it's a matter of hiding something. Just doing damage control because of what a foolish student did in response to the GM's situation.
Since others may share your issues - here it is. Maybe you didn't read the last item on the email or google likes me better.


I suspect it is more a matter of timing. Google uses load-balancing (sorry for geek-speak) to spread these automated queries out over the day. If they ran them all at once, the system would crash.

The page that had the story was rather low-budget web site...I suspect its page rank was significantly lower than something seen in, say, the Boston Globe or the New York Times. Even if the search bots for the news alerts are run every day, it sounds like yours hit before the lower-ranked story fell off the radar for your particular query, and someone else's hit after the story fell off the radar.

Can't say I know much about TKD, but I know plenty about telecom ;)
I can share the reason that I was told it went to this "small web-site"
The Sheriff department sent them the arrest record, they might have sent it to others that decided not to run with the story, I can't say one way or the other. I was told the reason was due to the nature of the allegations and that other kids trained at the school and they felt parents should be aware.

Much like the small town of Sugar land, the report from the Fort bend County Sheriff that involved Jean Lopez never made it to the Media, however the same thing happed with a Coach at Pitts University and had page after page on google within hours. He was fired due to the allegations.

This was posted in The Signal (the local newspaper in our town) yesterday. This is quite typical of this paper to get stories wrong, but THIS sets a new standard of "low." It doesn't say who this person is, or what school it is. So now, EVERY MA instructor in EVERY school in town is subject to suspicion by students & parents! Now I have to send a note to my students, their parents, & every relevent stakeholder in my school to tell them that the story they read in the paper yesterday isn't me.
I removed my child from this Tae Kwon Do Center because Grand Master was arrested for child molestation. Now I am getting a letter from Amerinational Management Services saying that I am breaking my contract??? Unbelieveable!! I will see them in court! The nerve to try to force me to keep my kids at a place that an accused child molester teaches at???? Wether he did it or not, it's not up to me to decide but I will not live my child there to later on find out he is guilty!!!
Wether he did it or not, it's not up to me to decide but I will not live my child there to later on find out he is guilty!!!

I don't disagree with your sentiment. I would do the same.
But from a legal pov he is still innocent until proven guilty, and if you have a contract with them, it could be that you are in breach of it.
Here's an update on this case from the local newspaper:

From The Signal newspaper March 3, 2011

An investigation into sex-crime allegations against a Saugus martial arts instructor has stalled after a public appeal for more information on the case yielded no new leads in two months, detectives said Wednesday.

“Nobody else has come forward; the investigation is ongoing,” said Detective Rich Simmons of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. “At this point, there is not enough to proceed. When it’s one person’s word against another, the district attorney won’t proceed.”

Dante Lusica, 64, was detained Jan. 5 at the Tae Kwon Do Center, USA, on Bouquet Canyon Road on suspicion of inappropriately touching an 8-year-old girl who was enrolled at a martial arts studio, according to past reports. Lusica was released from custody days later and no criminal charges were filed.

The allegations against him have seriously harmed his reputation, caused him health problems, humiliated his family and cost him business, Lusica said Wednesday.

“I was accused, I was thoroughly investigated and I was never charged in court,” Lusica said. “Any accusation, no matter how bizarre it is, has to be treated that way.

“I can understand, because there are predators and real monsters out there, but I can’t say the way I was treated was fair, or right, because I felt completely violated.”

In a five-page letter dated Jan. 31, Lusica wrote to parents whose children were enrolled at his studio that he and his family were the victims of a malicious accusation.

A mother, who had since taken her children out of the program, told authorities the alleged crime occurred in 2009, Lusica wrote in the letter.

Simmons said he would not discuss details about the case.

“I have reason to believe this did occur, but I’m not going to get into the dynamics of the case,” Simmons said.

Lusica said Wednesday he doesnÂ’t know why he was accused but thinks it could be because the woman had been struggling financially.

While he was being questioned by investigators, Lusica said, detectives offered to reduce the severity of the criminal charges he was facing if he admitted he had touched the girl accidentally. Lusica, who said he spoke to law enforcement without an attorney, refused.

“(The detectives) said, ‘To make our job easy, so we can all go home, just say you accidentally brushed up against the child’s chest,’” Lusica recalled. “But I can’t admit to something I have not done. I can’t admit to something that never happened.”

Lusica said he has studied Taekwondo his entire life and opened the martial arts studio in 2002.

“(The accusation) is hurting my family in so many ways,” Lusica said. “My grandchildren are getting teased. Kids can be very hurtful in their comments.”

Beside a few speeding tickets, Lusica said, heÂ’s never broken the law.

“The only justice I want is the truth,” Lusica said. “After a thorough investigation, detectives couldn’t find any evidence to substantiate the accusation.”

Here is a letter Dan Lusica wrote to his students & their parents that was also published in the newspaper today.
Please set your facts straight. The only victim in this story is Grandmaster Dr. Dan Lusica and his family.
First, Grandmaster Dr. Dan Lusica was accused of having the ucgly allegation of a parent of TKD who was dropped out of the TKD school some 2 years back because the father lost his job, family lost their home and they fell into sad financial plight. The accusation was made by the mother 2 years after their daughter and son had been students of the school. Because of the nature of the accusation (inappropriately touching an 8-year old), American laws are very strict: accused are almost assumed guilty rather than innocent and sadly treated that way!
Second, the Grandmaster was thoroughly investigated for two days, the local paper (The Signal) sensationalized the story because the Grandmaster is a prominent figure in the community, and asking the public if there is anyone who could corroborate the accusation of the mother of the alleged victim --- because even the brother of the alleged victim and the son of the mother accusing the Grandmaster, could not corroborate the accusation.
Third, no charges were ever filed against the Grandmaster in court. He was issued a letter by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office signed by Sheriff Lee Vaca, stating that they had to conduct the investigation the way they did because of the nature of the accusation (zero tolerance on child abuse allegations), and "concluded that the accusation could not be substantiated." Grandmaster was never charged in court, was never arrested (words of the Sheriffs not mine).
The truth is, the only victim in this incident is Grandmaster Dr. Dan Lusica and his family. His impeccable reputation is being tarnished by a family going through economic hardships. Dr Dan as we fondly call him has never had any brush with the law in 64 years!!! He has worked and helped children for ages!!! Even after all the negative publication about him "calling for any or other victims or witnesses", there was not a single person who came forward to corroborate the bizarre and uncalled for accusation against the Grandmaster; not even the brother of the alleged victim who had always been with his sister at all times at the dojang when they were still going there. Not any one of the parents nor other students who had always been present with the alleged victim, had come forward to corroborate the false accusation.
So please, please correct your story: The Grandmaster was accused, yes; The Grandmaster was thoroughly investigated yes; The Grandmaster was never, ever charged in court, and was NEVER arrested. He was temporarily detained to complete a thorough investigation and to enable anyone of the hundreds of students and parents of TaeKwonDo Center to come forward without reservation to provide corroborative information if any.
Again, the only victim in this story is the good Grandmaster and his family.
I find it interesting that someone would stand up for this guy months after it's a posted dead issue in this thread, yet just 9 days before he's sought by police for an unrelated embezzlement & weapons charge & is considered "armed & dangerous."

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