Gracie's are frauds!!!

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I thought this was satire when I read it! Seriously...this site is a joke, right? Take for instance, this picture.
or this "article"

If you ask me, this site has some real scans, and some made-up "scans" to make fun of Count Dante, the world's deadliest fighting master, and Supreme grand-past master of the Black Dragon fighting society. If this isn't a joke...:eek:
For those people who go back a ways, this guy is basically an old story...

"Count Dante", who's real name was John Keehan, first started training with Robert Trias in his "United States Karate Association" and actually helped it expand in the beginning. He then left the organization (there is some controversy over if it was by choice), and set up his own system, which emphasized dirty fighting, and secret strikes that would maim or kill an opponent. The big difference, according to Dante, was one of mindset. While the asian systems strived for a calm, tranquil mind, he wanted his students to be "psyched up" and fight with pure aggression. He promoted some of the first full contact tournaments in the U.S. back in 1967, and was perhaps most famous for his "World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets" booklet (that's probably what you saw back in the comics, donald). He liked to be referred to as "The Clown Prince of Death." He was basically regarded as an outcast in his time. He died in 1975.
Is this guy for real?? Definately a 1st class fake

Supreme Grandmaster---Yeah, ok
:rofl: :rofl:

I caught a few referances to this guy online a while ago. I did the usual web searches and saw what I could see. Sounds to me like the guy parleyed a couple of street techniques that have been around forever, some old traditional martial arts and a few brawls into a marketing machine based on comic book ads and publicity stunts. The weird part is that he seems to have gotten so mixed up that he started to believe his own BS. I did do a little research on the Chi-town "dojo wars" and it sounds like a colmination of a lot of stupid ego trips that ended in one sad death. This guy sounds like a white Sho-nuff without the golden glow and with no real style. Somebody should've went Leroy Brown on this bizzle.
I know its a little off subject, but did anyone else catch the postings mixed in with the Count Dante stuff on Bullshido about how Emin Botzepe supposedly went to the Gracie school and thrashed Rickson. It doesn't sound too kosher to me. Anyone have the whole scoop.
Originally posted by OULobo
I know its a little off subject, but did anyone else catch the postings mixed in with the Count Dante stuff on Bullshido about how Emin Botzepe supposedly went to the Gracie school and thrashed Rickson. It doesn't sound too kosher to me. Anyone have the whole scoop.

I've never heard this before, but think about it, if Boztepe actually "thrashed" Rickson, wouldn't he have put himself on the cover of Black Belt by now? That sounds like a story they would just LOVE to take. It's not like the guy is publicity shy or anything. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by pknox
I've never heard this before, but think about it, if Boztepe actually "thrashed" Rickson, wouldn't he have put himself on the cover of Black Belt by now? That sounds like a story they would just LOVE to take. It's not like the guy is publicity shy or anything. :rolleyes:

I figured it couldn't be true because it would have ripped through the internet by now.
Originally posted by OULobo
I know its a little off subject, but did anyone else catch the postings mixed in with the Count Dante stuff on Bullshido about how Emin Botzepe supposedly went to the Gracie school and thrashed Rickson. It doesn't sound too kosher to me. Anyone have the whole scoop.

Emin thrashed Rickson??? I didnt read the entire article, but I havent heard that Emin had ever fought Gracie, and if he did, I really would find it hard to believe that Emin would win.

Well, lets not let this get out of proportion. If you follow the link earlier on this thread, it goes to a thread on another forum that discusses this. The guy making the statment sounds like the usual "my system is the best" zealot. He states that there is a movie of the fight complete with filming of the schools outside for proof. I haven't been able to find this film so I take the whole thing with a very big grain of salt. Like I said earlier, if it was true it would be all over the net by now.
Originally posted by OULobo
Well, lets not let this get out of proportion. If you follow the link earlier on this thread, it goes to a thread on another forum that discusses this. The guy making the statment sounds like the usual "my system is the best" zealot. He states that there is a movie of the fight complete with filming of the schools outside for proof. I haven't been able to find this film so I take the whole thing with a very big grain of salt. Like I said earlier, if it was true it would be all over the net by now.

Yup, I read the thread on the other forum, and yes, I agree with you, it does sound like a bunch of crap. IMO, its just another guy that is probably a huge fan of Emin and his WT org. and thinks that he is unbeatable. I'm sure that if there was such a tape, it probably would be all over the net. And how would the guy making the post get a copy? Was he there?

I'm definately taking it with a grain of salt.

They should get Ashida Kim and Count Dante to fight each other.:rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Kroy
They should get Ashida Kim and Count Dante to fight each other.:rofl: :rofl:

Perhaps Frank Dux has the time to be the special guest referee. ;)
Let me get this straight:

He was a Hairdresser and died of an "exotic" blood disease.

Hmmmm can you say Faggot and AIDS
Originally posted by Karasu Tengu
Let me get this straight:

He was a Hairdresser and died of an "exotic" blood disease.

Hmmmm can you say Faggot and AIDS

Holy hate filled sexual preferance slander batman!!
Yeah, I agree.

It's just always good to see folks standing up for the principles of respect, good manners and common decency that are central to the martial arts...

Guess they don't apply if you're gay. Not to mention the unrepressed happiness buried not very deep in the comment...
Originally posted by Karasu Tengu
Let me get this straight:

He was a Hairdresser and died of an "exotic" blood disease.

Hmmmm can you say Faggot and AIDS

I guess I could, but that would make me both a bigot and a jerk. :mst: Evidently you've filled the quota quite well on your own.
I am so very far behind the power curve on well-deserved insults. Good for you guys, and I mean that sincerely.

The only useful thing in martial arts that that sort of--post--teaches is that there really are some things worth fighting over. So thanks, "Tengu," for helping remind me of what's worth it...
That was totally uncalled for. The rest of you guys ignore it. The moderation team is looking at this and deciding what we are going to do. If there is another comment like this or about this, I will lock it imeediately and further action will be taken.
MT Moderator