Got the all clear from my podiatrist this morning :)


Brown Belt
So this morning was my last unpaid followup appt to see my podiatrist from my foot surgery.
Everything is looking good! Im still having a bit of a problem bending my foot/toes when stretching out my insteps during warmup when on my knees...still have to work on that a bit and Im still a little wobbly when I have to get on my tip toes...especially my surgery foot....I just wonder how long it will take to recondition myself to be able to be on my toes again...

Dr gave me the clear to start sparring again which is in JUST enough time for me since I test for my red belt in 2 weeks! I have to be able to spar during testing!

I can target kick now too...within reason. He gave me some compression bandages to protect the top of my foot a bit, I thin I will also wear my shin pads during class when we have to target hit for a while now too.

In any case...IM BACK!!! WOOHOOO!
Very cool to have the green light!

For me, it took a couple more months to rebuild/recondition after getting the all clear. It's still healing and you'll keep improving as long as you don't push too hard too fast. Patience rules.

Congtarulations!!!! It seems to me we are on the same wagon, you had foot surgery and have your red belt examination in two weeks, I have this calcaneal thing that's hurting me and have second degree examination on june 19th. I wish you all the luck in your examintaion.

Good luck with your red belt test, Shelley. I still remember when I got my red belt in TKD in my teens. I was on Cloud Nine for at least a week!
Thanks everybody!
I actually thought about taking class this evening then sparring class...but Nahhhh Im too pooped from noon class!!!
Hang in there! Don't kill yourself before your test. So glad you are back training. :)

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