got "freedom"?

This sort of activity and arrogance nauseates me to no end. There are times, when I am forced to take notice of such behaviour, that I am shamed by my national connection to such people.

Loki said it best:
Loki said:
And they wonder why we are perceived as bullys and arrogant around the world. How can we ever hope to receive respect if we do not give it.
Does whoever gave the neg rep feel the need to explain what he meant? because it's not obvious...
Loki said:
Does whoever gave the neg rep feel the need to explain what he meant? because it's not obvious...

Please, let's not start this again with the rep.-complaints bleeding into the threads.
Thank you Arnisador, this is not the venue for reputation complaints.

On topic, I think that the fact that the Geneva Convention has once again been ignored by American forces abroad is indicative of a problem of leadership. I don't for a second believe that these types of actions are specifically sanctioned by the overarching US military leadership, but I do know that a fundamental principle of military leadership structure is accountability.

Given that, I sincerely hope that the unit commander is held to account for the actions of his or her soldiers. This type of intolerant and illegal activity will produce effects contrary to American objectives in the region in the form of anti-American sentiment from the general population as well as the Afghani leadership. Neither of these will assist in facilitating the removal of the Taliban from the region. Thus, nobody wins.

If nobody wins, too many innocent will have died in vain, and that would be an irreparable tragedy.
unfortunately there is no punishment what so ever
abu-ghraib abuse deserves ONLY 3 years of prison?!
now, THAT is a crime on behalf of the court and the society
I too was hoping to see heftier sentences for some of the Abu Ghraib abuses. But, those who were at the trials heard all the evidence--one must trust that they reached the right decision.
arnisador said:
I too was hoping to see heftier sentences for some of the Abu Ghraib abuses. But, those who were at the trials heard all the evidence--one must trust that they reached the right decision.
i trust you are being sarcastic here, right?

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