GOP Convention - gotta be there to see it

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"Whether we are Democrats, Republicans or independents, we all can agree that democracy depends on well-informed citizens. So as you flip through the channels tonight while the convention is largely ignored, consider whether TV broadcasters, sustained by free access to the public airwaves in exchange for programming in the public interest, are holding up their end of the deal.

Michael J. Copps is a commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission.

Reminds me of last time, when most major networks decided to air stuff like "friends" rather than the Presiden't speach.

But you know they will air plenty of protests...
The DNC only got a total of 3 hours of coverage on the major networks - I managed to see more of it (and will be able to see more of the RNC) by watching PBS. Most commercial networks will be showing their "reality TV" shows that get such good ratings. It's capitalism at it's best, and I think it's a shame.I don't know how many protests will be shown at all, since it looks like protesters will be arrested. Yay, free speech. Yay, First Amendment.
ABC and CBS are airing it Tuesday through Thurdsay at 10:00 P.M. That's 3 hours a piece.

NBC is airing it Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 P.M. Wednesday they thought it would be better for their new show "Hawaii". That's 2 hours.

FOX didn't even have it listed on their website. I think it will be covered by the regular programming like Hannity and such.

None of the networks really put it on at a time when most people are awake.

I know cable stations may have it covered, but as the article pointed out, 30-some-odd people in this country do not have it. I also doubt they would have high speed internet, where you can watch it any time at
Yep, funnily enough, the best convention coverage will be coming from the Communist-run PBS, with some help from maybe C-SPAN.

But hey, don't let that mere fact interfere with anybody's hallucinations about media bias.
rmcrobertson said:
Yep, funnily enough, the best convention coverage will be coming from the Communist-run PBS, with some help from maybe C-SPAN.

But hey, don't let that mere fact interfere with anybody's hallucinations about media bias.
Robert - will you get meaner as we get nearer to November?

Tongue firmly in cheek - Glenn.
Hey, it could be worse...
Dubya hasn't sent in the army to take out all of his opponents, shut down their presses, lock up the dissenters, or exile his opposition in Congress.

Lincoln on the other hand did just that in 1864. George could be worse. He could be another Lincoln.
OK, I promise (holds his hand up like Cap'n Kirk):

As the season wears on (and wears and wears and wears), fewer Mr. Nice Guy additives. More pure, unadulterated, BGH added, homogenized, fear and loathing from the Bob.

Or I could just keep pointing out inconvenient realities...same thing, really.
Yeah, see? Bobby isn't being mean, he's just tellin it like it is. And anyone who disagrees is a brainwashed hypocrite who follows Michael Savage.
Is he Randy's brother? Oh wait..that was Lanny....never mind. :D
Dear RP followed by numbers, and dear Mike:

When you find me making a factual error, please by all means offer correction. And please let me know the source you're citing, so that I can check my facts against the data you might have better access to.

For example, please show me where I was wrong in my comments about the "Washington Times," and its bizarro owner, Sun Myung Moon, in view of your having cited the "Times," as a source more than once in the past.

Or, please show me where I have inaccurately described the fifferences between President Bush and John Kerry's careers.

But in any case, please feel free to make any corrections that seem appropriate, citing superior sources of your own. I am always relatively happy to note that I was wrong, when that happens.

Oh, I just ran into a goodie on "Slate," magazine.

If you get on their website, they have a tape (unless it's a fake or I'm hallucinating) of what Bob Dole REALLY thinks about Bush's campaign the interview with Wolf Blitzer, he's asked about John Mc Cain's remark to Bush, during their 2000 debate, in which Mc Cain told Hizzoner that, "You should be ashamed," for the ads he'd been running, attacking his military service and patriotism; they edited the tape we saw last week, but the full tape has Dole saying, "He's right."

rmcrobertson said:
Dear RP followed by numbers, and dear Mike:

When you find me making a factual error, please by all means offer correction. And please let me know the source you're citing, so that I can check my facts against the data you might have better access to.

For example, please show me where I was wrong in my comments about the "Washington Times," and its bizarro owner, Sun Myung Moon, in view of your having cited the "Times," as a source more than once in the past.

Unless those facts come from the Times right? So if you don't like the owner, that disqualifies anything they print, if I am correct in your understanding. Kind of a skip those facts and go right to they guy who really doesn't have squat to do with what's printed, just make a lot of dough, which is bad in your book too, n'est pas?

rmcrobertson said:
Or, please show me where I have inaccurately described the fifferences between President Bush and John Kerry's careers.

Because then we'd be on par with your sentiment that their career has much to do with their job in office? I'd prefer to jump in on the discussions that matter. Give me a janitor who understands the Constitution and I'd vote.

Remember, I believe in inheritances and also in keeping what you've earned. Kind of a fading American tradition, but not fading fast enough for some I take.

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