Google Docs & Spreed Sheets.

Clark Kent

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Google Docs & Spreed Sheets.
By BlueDragon1981 - Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:29:58 GMT
Originally Posted at: Nephrites Citadel


I have used Google Docs and Spreedsheets. They are alright. Need some more development for me to use them more. The collaboration on them is cool though. I can see using that if I had a small business and didn't want to spend a fortune on MS Office (my answer to that would be Open Office but the collaboration in Google Docs would likely be used also)

Still needs a lot of work in the spreedsheet. The columns sometimes mess up and it doesn't print how you want it to most of the time. I'm sure it will get better but as of now... I don't use it for much.


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