Good quality Kung Fu fighting fan?

I think the concept of the fan as a weapon was to take an everyday object that was routinely carried to use as a weapon.
But that is from another era and culture and you would certainly raise more than a few eyebrows walking around with it, and come to think of it, might actually cause you to get in fights.

If you want an everyday object you can carry that would double as an effective self defense weapon, I would say you're better off with a cane.
There are "cane swords' XD I really don't know what they are called, but anyways you hide a blade inside a walking stick or cane, kind of like Yoda from Star Wars. I found a baseball sword here:
I had a google look. And while you can pay a bit of money for one. I couldn't find any decent reviews on a fighting fan you could actually hit someone with.
Are you kidding me?!???? :D lol
Just imagine the scene
The night of the assassination:
Zhao Feng has trained for a long time for this. He realizes this mission might be his last, so he takes his time. He says goodbye to his daughter. Walking on the cold pavement seems like forever. It starts raining. He glances towards the side onto the road. An occasional car flashes by. He steels his nerves and enters the construction site. His target is Young master Li, who murdered his mother. This was personal. From afar he looks like any normal construction worker, but if you look closely you can notice his killing intent. He sees Young Master Li. It's now or never. He smashes his brick onto Li's head. KABLOOSH???

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