Good Operating System (gOS)


Brown Belt
Check out this OS.


Good Operating System is what it stands for... and they use almost all google stuff on it, it is not part of google though if you were wondering. They simply built it around their stuff.

Here is the article that peaked my interest ....

(Source: )

In the past few years, much hype has been placed on the sub $300 desktop, with a company even calling themselves So many people were blown completely away last year when a company out of California launched a product in a smallish discount barn called Wal-Mart for sub $200. The product was called the EverEx TC5202 and was touted as being affordable, green (eco not as in color) and easy to use. Now, I am not the kind who will spend this little on anything electronic, just ask my wife...but I was intrigued by the operating system, simply known as gOS, which stands for Good OS. A lot of people likened this as an attempted run at a Google OS, but a quick look on the group's website will confirm that they have zero affiliation to the company running the world right now.

I was happy as all get out to down the original version and try out on my laptop. Sad to say that I was never able to get encryption working on my wireless, but I was thrilled with the user interface. I mean when you can combine all the best from Google Apps with my all time favorite desktop manager Enlightenment, dang, one has made this geek a very happy man. Now only to get writers off strike to see more episodes of "Chuck". Then I saw an article mentioning an upgrade being available on Jan 7th, 2008, so I had to get my hands on this latest version, code named Reloaded. I tried on the 7th to no avail, but then did see it on the Texas repository for download and fired this thing up to see if it Rocketed like the cute little clock showed me prior to it just stopping at Tminus 0 for a few hours.


Website here
Kernel - Kernel 2.6.22
Desktop - Enlightenment 0.16.999
FAQs - - FREE!!!
Special Features - Live installer, excellent icons/graphics, Desktop links for Google Apps, thin desktop to run on older machines with little to no RAM

Source link has more info on installation and such.....

Here is the site link that shows the design.

and a screenshot...

I think it looks pretty nice and I would use it but I already have to many projects I'm working on to work with that.... maybe after its out of beta.

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