Good news, Bad News

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Good news, Bad News

Someone starts and posts either good news, or bad news.

The next poster posts the alternate, following good news with bad news, or vice versa.

The next poster then posts news of his choosing (good or bad), and it continues like this.

(beginning) The good news is we did all we could...

(next poster) The bad news is he still pulled through
The bad News is that the beach is closed.
The good news is that I'm wearing pants over that bikini.
The good news is, it has an escape route planned!
The good news is the guards are all sleeping
The bad new is they were set to go off an hour after you plan to leave.
... bad news is you earn solitary confinement for five days.
The good news is you spend the time meditating on a Dharmic mantra, and emerge a new and better person