Good articles

I have read that guys website before. At times he sounds kind of intense but I have to agree with a good portion of what he writes. Some of it you can only really understand if you have lived and trained here.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

I have read that guys website before. At times he sounds kind of intense but I have to agree with a good portion of what he writes. Some of it you can only really understand if you have lived and trained here.

So is it true, what he says about the use of the word "osu"?

Originally posted by D.Cobb

So is it true, what he says about the use of the word "osu"?


He is pretty much on the money.
One of my favorite's, after having lived here, is going back to the US and hearing foreign languages (non-US English) being used, and being used improperly...

Everyone looks at me like I'm weird when I bust out laughing.

As a side note, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces do use osu as a greeting quite commonly. When I was in Southern Japan on a training exercise, we were instructed to salute the JGSDF soldiers and greet them with osu as opposed to "the greeting of the day" (i.e. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, Sir).

Go figure.


:samurai: :samurai: