Gone with the Wind


Sr. Grandmaster
TCM will show it next Monday.

It was my sister's favorite movie of all times. I don't know how many times she read and re-read the book (and carefully guarded it, it never re-appeared in the common bookshelf again)

Come the middle of April is the anniversary of her passing. And oddly enough it seems like every year I get those ghostly reminders a couple of weeks before.
Though usually it's the songs we played at her memorial service, though from a popular artist, I never hear them on the radio otherwise.

As if he had known her:
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Gone With The Wind is one of Hollywood's greatest epics and your sister was right to love this film. I own the DVD of it and watch it myself usually once a year. Nearly everything about the film is just fantastic, the cinematography, acting, editing, directing ... everything. The book I've only managed to get half way through at any time in my life... eventually I'll pick up a copy once again and get all the way through it. It's good to honor someone even after they've been gone from us for a while, even if it's to enjoy something that they loved be it film, book or music. Hope you can remember her with a smile and remember the love. :asian:
The movie was good. Much better than the relationship I had with my sister.
I think that is the little twang I feel every time I am reminded. She was about as difficult to get along with as Scarlet.

Much history, and though we did not get along, I find myself missing her.
(then again she did look a lot like Liz Taylor, I have been close to the waterworks for a few days now)
I have been close to the waterworks for a few days now)

Best thing is to let it flow... remember even in a bad relationship there were some good times. Let it flow and get it out... your feelings are who you are and it's the one thing that you should never deny yourself.

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