Goju Ryu karate

Ah...a fellow Goju Ryu practitioner. I definitely want to talk with you about Goju Ryu.
OK, as of right now Im only about an intermediate in the style of Goju Ryu, but what would you like to talk about in regards to the art?
Thank you. That's an awesome idea. I'm not trying to rush my journey but I do want to be as fundamentally sound as I can so I'm gonna try it. Much gratitude.
No mafter how you try to rush the process it still will be a slow one when you are a beginner. Much of what you will learn comes with the passing of time in the system. There's no quick path to training martial arts just hard training
biggest thing on stretching is often
biggest thing on balance is bending the supporting knee
and use the okinawa rattle to improve blood flow
at my Goju Ryu school I feel like we practically live in Sheiko Dachi (Straddle Stance), but I think that is more strength building. We stretch our legs, back, arms, hands, neck prob all the "standard" stuff most cardio classes do and a lot of yoga moves have been mixed in at our dojo.
Yes, I miss hearing from him. There are several others I would love to hear from as well.
Yeah absolutely, I love hearing that enthusiasm for training, think it's really nice having that around here :)