Senior Master
Heya guys! Just wondering, are there any standout or definitive books on Goju Ryu karatedo? Not so much technique/demonstration pic books, but ones that describe the style, philosophy, what it's all about?
There are heaps within the Shotokan lineage and some great ones from Gichin Funakoshi Sensei, but can't seem to find any pivotal Goju ones, no writings from Chojun Miyagi Sensei... I did find one from Yamaguchi Sensei but it seemed more technique/picture oriented...
Any ideas would be great! @dancingalone would love hear if you have any suggestions...
Thanks all
There are heaps within the Shotokan lineage and some great ones from Gichin Funakoshi Sensei, but can't seem to find any pivotal Goju ones, no writings from Chojun Miyagi Sensei... I did find one from Yamaguchi Sensei but it seemed more technique/picture oriented...
Any ideas would be great! @dancingalone would love hear if you have any suggestions...
Thanks all