Going Upriver: The long war of John Kerry


Senior Master
Just saw this documentary. I thought it was very, very good.

I wasn't really a Kerry fan until seeing it. I was "for Kerry", because he was the guy who won the nomination and he wasn't Bush. This movie lent depth to the guy.

As to whether he is a strong leader...I think this movie answers the question. Some other interesting things:

--Actual footage of the "Winter Soldier Investigations" with testimony of the vets as to the war crimes they saw.

--The text of his speech to the Foreign Relations Committee that nobody really ever sees in the "Swift Boat Vets" ads. It is powerful speechmaking that Nixon himself acknowledges as effective and well done.

--Interviews with people who served with him.

--Interviews with other vets who were in VVAW. One, a Marine captain, had some interesting commentary.

I strongly recommend it.



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