Going on the Offensive

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... but not until later in the student's training. I introduce the idea of self-offense very early on, but do not train it until I have had enough time with the students to assess their moral character and personality. By Purple, Blue, or Green - I have a good feel for the person, not just what they want me to see (hopefully.)

This is good and bad. I have lost students who are too aggressive, not without a bunch of warnings, counseling, or even in one case, a probationary period.

You especially need to be judicious in teaching aggressive Kenpo to kids or UTES ('youths' - a joke from John Sepulveda's Spirit Camp in Idaho this weekend.) You have to teach not just the "Way" to be offensive, rather how to be on the offensive, but the Perceptual, Psychological or Mental, and then address the "Hows".

Of course we teach it ... I would hope all instructors do. However, "do we practice it" is a question that begs an answer. I see the vast majority of most Kenpoist training as being "reactive" as in a self-defense technique line - how often, outside of freestyle sparring, do we practice this?
No I'm not talking about just beating the crap out of somebody. Damn...... Okay, sometimes you may be confronted in such a manner that if you wait for the attack in order to execute the APPROPRIATE technique you will get trashed by your opponent. For instance Multiple Attacker scenarios.... Why the hell would you wait until someone attacks to start defending yourself? However, it's not as simple as just hitting the guy. You have to take into account whoever else might be with him,possible weapons, how to attack without exposing yourself to the other opponents. How to maneuver and control an opponent to regulate range.

Most fights are won by the guy who lands the first punch. If a situation is immenant why wait for the attack? You should have some strategy in mind in case these events occur. Saying that offensive applications exist is a lot different than teaching a student to be offensive. I'm not advocating that you teach students to kick the crap out of somebody just 'cause, rather to teach your students how to be offensive when the occasion arises. Maybe I should just abandon the question, because no one seems to understand what I'm talking about. Maybe I'm not explaining this right.
Thank you Mr. Billings,

This was more of what I was looking for.