

Green Belt
I don't know if there is any interest or not, but I had the idea today (while I was sweating through one of mine) to start a thread for people to post up their goals in, and progress happening with those goals.
I usually do it for myself, write down on a sheet of paper a list of goals and assign them either short, middle or long term, work on them and see what happens.
Right now I'm aiming for 6 hours of training, 6 days a week, for as long as I feel like it's necessary. I've put in a solid four hours per day consistently in the past, plus whatever random lunacy I came up with outside the gym. Right now I want to push for six.
Today I did three, give or take. About two hours of Tai Chi Chuan, one hour of gongfu. (It's also a two mile walk each direction to the gym)
I'm aiming to do the long form once in each direction once per day with the iron rings, then fill out the rest without them. Using five rings per arm right now, making it through the form in one direction without stopping. Made it through the form once in each direction with the rings today, but not back to back. I want to do it back to back with ten rings on each arm at the start of the day everyday until it feel like I've found whatever I might get out of that. Without losing my posture or resting. I don't know what I'll actually get out of that, but i guess I'll find out. On my second time doing the form during my second trip to the gym today (without the rings), it felt REALLY different. Intense like I don't think I've ever felt it before.
I need to do the form slower and faster. I want to stretch it out to about 45 minutes on the long end (taking about 30 now), and I don't even know on the fast end. How fast can I do it without losing it? 5 minutes? 7?
I've got to cut the legs off of the tobacco demon.
Working on that, a little at a time. But I've got to just slay that monster and be done with it. I switched from handrolled cigarettes to filters, now I've got to stretch out the time in between each one until I don't have a problem with just not smoking.
I've got some others as well, but they aren't really related to martial arts.
Any takers? What are you pushing for?
I've just made the shift to MMA from 2 and a half years under the Keysi Fighting Method, so immediately my goals are acquainting myself with the base I've chosen to work on for my striking game - Muay Thai. I've attended three classes so far and it's fantastic. I've got a BJJ class on the side and mates and gals on the side offering to introduce me to Kenpo, Karate and Judo, but I'm trying to limit myself as to not fall into the trap of too much diversity.

As for conditioning, I'm trying to get to the one-arm+one-legged push-up, and the pistol squat under the Naked Warrior Program, and hit my standard 750 kettlebell swing reps with a 53-pound KB within a 24 hour period, my PR with my last KB at 35 pounds.
my goals are train in a lot of diffedent styles as possible and especialy weapons! i like all weapons :) sharp weapons, blunt, long , short, one handed, two handed... i dont care much for nunchaku though. even though i practice a couple kata and bunkai with nunchaku i still get nervous when i swing them past my head... the loud whiping noise as it passes by your ear WOOSH!
Pistol squats and one armed pushups.
I tried squats like that for a while, I think I did ten on each leg the first day and could barely walk for a few days after that.
Not as much as I wanted as far as time in training today, but intensity was more than I expected. Got the long form in 7 minutes, twice. I know I can make it faster. This morning I almost made it through the form SLOW with the iron rings in both directions. Did it all the way through this afternoon with the rings one more time. Crazy to finally find my legs. Not much headway in the cigarette battle today, but I also didn't fly off the handle and attack anyone either, which I really felt like doing.
I don't know if there is any interest or not, but I had the idea today (while I was sweating through one of mine) to start a thread for people to post up their goals in, and progress happening with those goals.
I usually do it for myself, write down on a sheet of paper a list of goals and assign them either short, middle or long term, work on them and see what happens.
Right now I'm aiming for 6 hours of training, 6 days a week, for as long as I feel like it's necessary. I've put in a solid four hours per day consistently in the past, plus whatever random lunacy I came up with outside the gym. Right now I want to push for six.
Today I did three, give or take. About two hours of Tai Chi Chuan, one hour of gongfu. (It's also a two mile walk each direction to the gym)
I'm aiming to do the long form once in each direction once per day with the iron rings, then fill out the rest without them. Using five rings per arm right now, making it through the form in one direction without stopping. Made it through the form once in each direction with the rings today, but not back to back. I want to do it back to back with ten rings on each arm at the start of the day everyday until it feel like I've found whatever I might get out of that. Without losing my posture or resting. I don't know what I'll actually get out of that, but i guess I'll find out. On my second time doing the form during my second trip to the gym today (without the rings), it felt REALLY different. Intense like I don't think I've ever felt it before.
I need to do the form slower and faster. I want to stretch it out to about 45 minutes on the long end (taking about 30 now), and I don't even know on the fast end. How fast can I do it without losing it? 5 minutes? 7?
I've got to cut the legs off of the tobacco demon.
Working on that, a little at a time. But I've got to just slay that monster and be done with it. I switched from handrolled cigarettes to filters, now I've got to stretch out the time in between each one until I don't have a problem with just not smoking.
I've got some others as well, but they aren't really related to martial arts.
Any takers? What are you pushing for?

Nice topic! :)

Some of my goals are:

Start putting more of a focus back into training. Been working a lot lately, so sadly, my training is taking a back seat. Some weeks, I'm lucky to make it to class once. This needs to change. I need to get my butt back there at least 3 days/week.

Make it to the gym 3 days/week. This usually isn't an issue, as I find myself there, when I'm not at class, but there are times when I only get there once or twice. I'll do stuff at home, but I do enjoy the gym atmosphere.

Start getting back into my Arnis training. One of my teachers is literally within walking distance from me, so I have no excuse to take a private. He also teaches 1 day a week at a local school, on Sunday, so when I'm not working, that's another opportunity to get in some training.
My long term goal would be to Live Long And Prosper :D

Short term:
-Get ready for Dan grading in Ju Jitsu by next summer
-Learn the new Wado Ryu curriculum as we fromaly join the Shizendo association
-Train as much as possible (succeding, training every day now :) )
With in the next 3 months I would like to loose the 6 inches I have gained on my waist in the last year. That means I start leading exercises and class again not just supervise the classes being taught by my students
Short Term:

Be 1% better at training each day than I was the day before

Prepare for my 2nd Dan test in April

Long Term:

Achieve my 3rd Dan by the time I'm 50
Using the iron rings briefly showed me a few things.
Among those is that I will probably not progress any further without fixing my back and my legs.
So today I started standing. Spent an hour solid just standing and working on posture. So right now that's the goal, fix my back and my ankles and my hips, see what standing might do for me, see if I can fix my posture and then start to move again.

Maybe. Might be too early to tell. but I got a deep pop out of it while stretching just now, suddenly don't feel the constant pain I've had in my lower back for the last few years. Now to get the coccyx/sacrum back in place and I'll be good to go.
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One of the places I teach has five shiny new black belts. Good kids, trained hard and long (average of ten years) I sat in the last five Saturdays to observe their testing, taking a lot of "old guy notes".
Overall, they're fine, but I don't think they're utilizing their front hand as well as I think they should, not in sparring, not in self defense training, not in punching, jambing, grabbing, clearing or countering. (blocks are okay)

My goal is to change that over the next six months.