I'm in Australia by the way so this relates to East coast Australian GKR
Dont want to criticise too much, GKR seems like it varies in areas or from person to person, but it has become the butt of most inter school jokes in my city. No one i have spoken too about them who has had a door knocker come to their house can take them seriously. It didnt help their case when back in high school was talking to a friend who was looking to do some told me and about how he had been offered, like so many in my neighborhood 'gold life time membership' which i laughed at with him replying "what? they cant be serious! what are they a buisness?" when a guy in another class turns around and nearly threw a fit "shut up shut up you dont any about it" (and continued something like this) then huffered away. Then slowly over the years that followed i have heard about people who have left it or people who used to other sports/marital arts and joined it after. They were all very similar, stories of people being able to buy their way up the ranks (not without training but fast tracking), particuly in one case i heard where they asked a girl who had not been with them long, would not have been any longer then a year, offered a black belt (for a small fee) and in exchange she would become a teacher, they were apparently running low.
My schools only run in with GKR was at the "all styles" tournament one year, the judges were all GKR and so were about 80% of the competitors, then there was us and a few other stragler clubs. It seemed like a publicity event more then a chance to interact with other schools. Their forms looked VERY similar to Tang Soo forms, so before i knew much about them thought they might be an offshoot. Needless to say all my instructers were horrified at their technique and discipline. But the judges didnt seem to notice, giving them most awards in forms (we got a couple at most), even we thought that the 'dragon style folk were awsome" Of course we blitzed the free fighting, as they didnt seem to have the confidense.
But the point of that was not a person in our school who saw them perfom that day has much respect from them. They were a big school but i think they needed to look at spending more time on each student then on increasing their numbers and profit.