Another toy...
Glock 41 Gen 4 with TrueGlo sights. $550.
The gun comes with 3 13 round mags, plus the usual Glock stuff - cleaning brush, papers, speed loader...
I added the Ghost Rocket 3.5lb trigger connector and spring upgrade. Unlike others, this kit has a connector that requires some custom fitting, because in addition to reducing and smoothing the trigger pull, it reduces pre-travel. It's excellent for range toys of house guns, but I absolutely would not install it in a carry gun.
I also added a StreamLight TLR-4 light/laser combo.
Then I headed to the range.
All shots were at 7 yards with el cheapo TulAmmo.
First mag ever. Open sights.
First 50 round group. Open sights.
First 3 round group with the laser.
50 round group with the laser.
I've ordered a Lone Wolf extended/threaded barrel for it. I'll be adding a SilencerCo Osprey suppressor and making this the house gun.
Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.

Glock 41 Gen 4 with TrueGlo sights. $550.
The gun comes with 3 13 round mags, plus the usual Glock stuff - cleaning brush, papers, speed loader...
I added the Ghost Rocket 3.5lb trigger connector and spring upgrade. Unlike others, this kit has a connector that requires some custom fitting, because in addition to reducing and smoothing the trigger pull, it reduces pre-travel. It's excellent for range toys of house guns, but I absolutely would not install it in a carry gun.
I also added a StreamLight TLR-4 light/laser combo.

Then I headed to the range.
All shots were at 7 yards with el cheapo TulAmmo.
First mag ever. Open sights.

First 50 round group. Open sights.

First 3 round group with the laser.

50 round group with the laser.

I've ordered a Lone Wolf extended/threaded barrel for it. I'll be adding a SilencerCo Osprey suppressor and making this the house gun.
Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.