Global warming info.: new stuff?


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Here is some more on the manmade global warming hysteria...It is called "Climate Gate 2":

and the second named co-author of the BEST projects four research papers, Professor Curry told the MoS, “This is nowhere near what the climate models were predicting. Whatever is going on here, it doesn’t look like it is being dominated by CO2.” Curry added, “Of course this isn’t the end of scepticism. To say that is the biggest mistake he [Professor Muller] has made.”

Professor Curry’s accusations have been borne out by an assessment made by the UK’s Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). Using BEST’s own data, the GWPF has published a very different take on the data backed with their own graph, also published in the Mail on Sunday article. Far from depicting data in the form of a hockey-stick mark II, it effectively depicts a plain old ‘stick’—and one that again confirms the flat-lining of global temperatures since the ‘90s, even as levels of CO2 continued to rise.
In assessing the BEST data or themselves, however, the GWPF’s Dr David Whitehouse concludes, “The global
standstill of the past decade is obvious in the HadCrut3 data, which is a combination of land and sea surface data. BEST is only land data from nearly 40,000
stations.” When Dr Whitehouse plotted a graph using all of the relevant land and sea data using BEST’s own archives however, it revealed “a statistically straight line of zero gradient. Indeed most of the variations within it can be attributed to ENSO [El Nino Southern Oscillation] and la Nina effects.”

Dr Whitehouse adds, “t is impossible to reconcile this with Professor Muller’s statement. Could it really be the case that Professor Muller has not looked at the data in an appropriate way to see the last ten years clearly? Indeed, BEST seems to have worked really hard to obscure it.” Dr Whitehouse goes on to explain in greater detail just the data was utilized or “stretched” to “accentuate the increase”, an illusory rise in temperatures.
And yet in today's news:

The amount of global warming gases sent into the atmosphere made an unprecedented jump in 2010, according to the US Department of Energy's latest world data on carbon dioxide emissions.
"It's big," said Tom Boden, director of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Environmental Sciences Division at the DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.
"Our data go back to 1751, even before the Industrial Revolution. Never before have we seen a 500-million-metric-ton carbon increase in a single year," he told AFP.
The 512 million metric ton increase amounted to a near six percent rise between 2009 and 2010, going from 8.6 billion metric tons to 9.1 billion.
Perhaps they are going to use that info. to help promote the sales of solar panels. Well, that is if the companies they keep lending billions of dollars will keep from going bankrupt. I mean, if the DOE keeps lending money to failed green energy companies, there won't be any money left.

The investigations have already led to five criminal prosecutions and more than $2.3 million in recovered stimulus funds, Friedman said, including “a series of cases involving fictitious claims for travel per diem resulting in the recovery of $1 million alone in Recovery Act funds.”
Friedman’s office and the FBI are also investigating possible criminal activity related to Solyndra, the now-bankrupt solar company that received a $535 million loan from the Energy Department.


So, how long before the guys making up the claims for global warming gases are exposed as frauds?
Good thing is is not getting warmer

Chinese Scientists Warn of Significant Glacier Melt

Glaciers are shrinking worldwide -- some of them rapidly. Now Chinese researchers have sounded the alarm in their country too, where they say warmer weather and increased precipitation are reducing the size of glaciers. Water shortages and floods could result

Chinese scientists are not known for fearmongering, particularly when it comes to dangers that could affect large numbers of people. Officials frown upon news that could unsettle the masses -- which makes this week's publication by the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing all the more stunning.
It probably has nothing to do with their up and coming solar panel company contracts.
Of course there are other opinions on glaciers melting...

[SIZE=-1]Glaciers are influenced by a variety of local and regional natural phenomena that scientists do not fully comprehend. Besides temperature changes, glaciers also respond to changes in the amount and type of precipitation, changes in sea level and changes in ocean circulation patterns.1 As a result, glaciers do not necessarily advance during colder weather and retreat during warmer weather.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]A major obstacle to linking glacial behavior to global warming is that mountain glaciers, the types of glaciers found in places like Switzerland and the United States, are especially difficult to understand due to the complex topography of mountain areas. Furthermore, Global Climate Circulation Models (GCMs) used by global warming theory proponents to forecast future climate, including the climate's effect on glaciers, have been notoriously inaccurate. NASA scientist James Hansen, the man who helped ignite the global warming debate in the United States in the late 1980s, admitted last year that it was impossible to come up with reliable climate models because there is too much about the climate that scientists don't understand.2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Those same inaccurate GCMs have been even less reliable when it comes to assessing the impact of warming on mountain glaciers. According to Professor Martin Beniston of the Institute of Geography at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, "Numerous climatological details of mountains are overlooked by the climate models." This makes it difficult to predict the consequences of global warming on glaciers. Beniston says it is "difficult to estimate the exact response of glaciers to global warming, because glacier dynamics are influenced by numerous factors other than climate, even though temperature and cloudiness may be the dominant controlling factors. According to the size, exposure and altitude of glaciers, different response times can be expected for the same climatic forcing."[/SIZE]
There is also this on melting glaciers:

[FONT=times new roman,times]It may surprise you to learn that there are more than 160,000 glaciers in the world [IPCC, 2001]. Your two examples are a minuscule fraction of one percent of the world's glaciers. Most of these glaciers have never been visited, measured, or analyzed by humankind. The vast majority of them - including the biggest on the planet, which is 250 miles long and 40 miles wide - are in Antarctica, most of which has been cooling for half a century (Doran et al., 2002).[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Professor M. I. Bhat, of the Indian Geological Survey, was kind enough last year to communicate to me his results concerning the 9,575 mountain glaciers that debouch from the Himalayan plateau into India. These glaciers, thanks to the British Raj, have been studied and recorded for longer than any others. Professor Bhat reports that most of the glaciers have been receding at a uniform rate since 1880 at the latest. Some of them had begun receding even before this date. His analysis is confirmed on a global scale by Robinson, Robinson & Soon (2007), who report that since 1880 mountain glaciers have receded worldwide at a near-uniform rate, with no appreciable acceleration in the second half of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP]century, before which time the anthropogenic influence on climate must have been negligible.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Professor Bhat raises the right question: Given that glacial recession began long before humankind could have had any appreciable effect on global temperature, and given that the rate of recession has remained uniform, on what basis can it be said, as you have implied, that it is a[/FONT]
The chinese are no dummies and if scaring silly westerners will get them billion dollar deals from the U.S. for solar panels, well, I wouldn't be surprised.

Nah. The real money is going to be in towing Antarctic icebergs as they calve, to regions stricken by drought, brought on by global warming. It's the same reason I've been buying up water rights wherever I can: finite resource that's only going to grow more depleted as the planet gets warmer....

And Chinese solar panels are deliberately undervalued, just like everything they sell. This is their true shrewdness-undercutting American efforts at job creation.
Then there is this little tidbit about fake urgency...

mmm...excuse me if I am a bit skeptical about various scares associated with man made global warming. After all, it is now a multi-billion dollar industry with the Obama administration falling all over itself to give out loan garuantees to any company with "solar" or green in its name. The chinese are no dummies and if scaring silly westerners will get them billion dollar deals from the U.S. for solar panels, well, I wouldn't be surprised.

ROLMAO at quoting the Daily Mail!

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