Global Warming, anyone?

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Originally Posted by Feisty Mouse
I think it was intended as a joke.

I know and I thought it was about as funny as a rubber crutch.
My apologies - your previous post seemed to indicate you thought it was serious.

Although I hardly think it was as nasty as a rubber crutch. I appreciate geek humor.
michaeledward said:
1. You need to see a space body approaching earth in order to be able to do anything about it. In all probability, we will not see it coming. If we do, it will be with very short notice.

2. Detonating a nuclear weapon on an object in space will have the result of changing one large object into many small objects. The net result would be even worse... because we would not be changing the contiguous mass of the object from, let's say 10 miles in diameter into billions of little grains of sand (which might burn up in the atmosphere). But rather into 42 objects 1 mile in diameter.

Cobra, if you are going to watch science fiction, at least watch Star Trek, where they attempt to get the science part of it correct. As a hint ... don't trust Bruce Willis as your science advisor.

Scientists will always watch. Do you, or anybody else remember an year ago I think was it on the news scientists reproted an astroid is heading right for us? They say it will reach Earth at around 500,000 years. Not the correct number, but it was around there. Though they say it might steer off course, you can see that we really see that far can.

Scientist have also predicted are twin galaxy, the vergo cluster will colide with our Milky Way in about 100 billion years. I well think we can survive most things.

Oh and if you don't believe a Nuclear Warhead can't destroy an astroid, then I'm not sure you know what you are talking about. We have enough Nuclear warheads to blow up the world 20 times over (many experts say).
Cobra said:
Scientists will always watch. Do you, or anybody else remember an year ago I think was it on the news scientists reproted an astroid is heading right for us? They say it will reach Earth at around 500,000 years. Not the correct number, but it was around there. Though they say it might steer off course, you can see that we really see that far can.
That idea works wonderful for those objects that are in a nice, predictable orbit. Halley's Comet is one example; every 76 years, it shows up. But many objects in the Oort cloud can be pulled toward the inner solar system in an unpredictable manner. ... then what?

Well, perhaps if you research what we know about planetary collisions, you will better understand. Please see this site for a detailed description of the marvelous once-in-a-lifetime (I hope) of planetary impact by a large interstellar object: Shoemaker Levy 9. This object struck Jupiter in 1994.

Cobra said:
Scientist have also predicted are twin galaxy, the vergo cluster will colide with our Milky Way in about 100 billion years. I well think we can survive most things.
Yes, all matter is moving through space. It is quite possible for two galaxies to have intersecting trajectories. NASA has some photos of just such events here.

However, the vast majority of a Galaxy is made up of empty space, so the most you get is some strange Gravitational effects, and sometimes a new, larger galaxy. It really isn't that strange in a wonderful universe.

Cobra said:
Oh and if you don't believe a Nuclear Warhead can't destroy an astroid, then I'm not sure you know what you are talking about. We have enough Nuclear warheads to blow up the world 20 times over (many experts say).
I do not believe a nuclear warhead can destroy an asteroid. Yes, in a nuclear explosion matter is converted to energy ... but it is a very small amount of matter that goes through this transition (E=mc2 --- ah, that is Energy equals Mass times the Speed of Light Squared).

When experts tell us that we can blow up the world 20 times over, what they mean is that we have enough weaponry to destroy all of the living people on earth 20 times over. Even if we detonated the world's entire nuclear arsenal at one place, at one time (Ground Zero), It wouldn't even effect Earth's Orbit around the sun ... much less destroy the planet.

Sorry Charlie

Cobra said:
Scientists will always watch. Do you, or anybody else remember an year ago I think was it on the news scientists reproted an astroid is heading right for us? They say it will reach Earth at around 500,000 years. Not the correct number, but it was around there. Though they say it might steer off course, you can see that we really see that far can.

Scientist have also predicted are twin galaxy, the vergo cluster will colide with our Milky Way in about 100 billion years. I well think we can survive most things.

Oh and if you don't believe a Nuclear Warhead can't destroy an astroid, then I'm not sure you know what you are talking about. We have enough Nuclear warheads to blow up the world 20 times over (many experts say).
I hear you Cobra, even if we can survive do we really want mass death? If we keep some of the things we are doing now, we will get an ice age soon. Or even if it an ice age comes a long time from now, would you want your great grandson to experiance hardships? That is why we have to prevent such a thing from happening as soon as possible. Even if the ice age comes 1,000 years, we need to make so it would come in 10,000 years.
Hi Kane,

Welcome to MartialTalk!!!

You have a good point that sometimes we need to think about how our actions will affect our children after us.

Best regards,

The question is, how much change to our society, economy and so on do we do about "global warming". How much upheaval and change should we go through for something that that cant be solidly proven?
Feisty Mouse said:
Well, that was awfully kind and brilliant of you to not address any of the links or statements posted, but to get on a high horse and talk about "Science" like a pro.

I'm a scientist. I "understand the basic concepts of science". Don't pull an academic snob line just to miss addressing the points. It's in bad taste and pointless.

For example,

Has it not already been said that "global warming" really should be stated as "global climate change"? 25 years will show very little, as this is all sampled within the period human activity has already changed the nature of the atmosphere. You need historical studies - kind of like ones that have already been posted here, which you fail to address in any way.

I sure this is a neat-o method. Again, we are talking about different data. When we talk about global climate change, we are talking about data over a far longer period of time, to capture longer trends in climate, rather than the smaller-scale abberations.

An academic snob who won't address the data at hand will, of course, try to sound like they are gaining the high ground. Fortunately, there are people here in the forum who aren't going to be hoodwinked with someone waving a PhD around like it makes them a prophet.


Oh, good grief. If this is a dig at evolutionary theory and religion, get over yourself, kid. The two are not mutally exclusive. And that belongs in another thread.

Well, as expected you expose yourself the phony in both Martial Arts and in the professional community. When you mature come back.
StraightRazor said:
The question is, how much change to our society, economy and so on do we do about "global warming". How much upheaval and change should we go through for something that that cant be solidly proven?

The weight of the data indicates that it IS happening. To date, given that the vast majority of research indicates that THIS correlation does indeed equal causation, it would strike me as foolish to dismiss it out of hand.

The upheaval and change you refer to is doable. The oil and auto industries (among more than few) are dragging their feet because it will be an expensive proposition, and one cutting into profits. Then there is inertia...changing a lifestyle to which we've become accustomed. It is far, far easier to bury one's head in the sand.

There was talk of switching to renewables...and danged if I didn't hear some well placed Texan say just awhile back that we were going to end our dependence on foreign oil...I'm waaaaiting.

The Great Ocean Conveyor should be pretty much whacked in twenty years, and it should be fairly cold in New York and Great Britain by then. Shall we table this discussion until then, when we have more "evidence"? I should still be around at the age of 67. Jeff Beish will be, if he's around, 84...probably safe to say it doesn't concern him as much. Maybe we can invite his grandkid in on the discussion.

Oddly, Al Qaida might have a lasting effect on the issue. Their murder of Johnson...about as gruesome as it causing a flood of foreign expats to flee Saudi (and maybe in the future other oil countries). This is going to put a real crimp on future Saudi oil production. They have the skill to bring it out of the ground...they don't have the skill to find new sources.

I suspect prices will go up in about five years to a fairly painful level. Just guessing. They're fairly painful now. Filling a Ford Focus costs about twenty bucks.


jeffbeish said:
Well, as expected you expose yourself the phony in both Martial Arts and in the professional community. When you mature come back.

Okay, freak. Gloves are off. I pray to the Mods that they forgive me for what I'm about to do...but this demands action and the full indignation I am capable of mustering...which is substantial, as many of you noted.

Jeff, Feisty Mouse is both a scientist AND a martial artist. You have nothing to indicate that she's exposed herself as a fraud in either area. She can document her training in both...and I suppose will, if asked. Okay...I'm asking her to. I invite others on this board who may know her to back her up.

She's called you on your post after you launched an ad hominem attack on Michael...and for good reason, as the attack was illconceived and unwarranted.

She's backed up every thing she's written with reasoned arguments. You, however, set yourself up by infusing your posts with a tone pressing the very heights of condescension and arrogance. Arrogance demands intellectual talent. In this last qualification you are lacking.

It is not overboard, given the above statement on your part, to say you are a curmudgeonly bigoted bully who can do nothing more than post snotty little swipes at a person's character, in this case a young woman who has contributed some worthwhile observations to this board. Attacking her in this fashion is far easier than attacking her ideas...whose weight or reasoning clearly overwhelms you.

I groan with the weight of knowing that the above quote, so infantile, so absolutely childishly phrased in its impotence and frustration, was drafted by a 64 year old veteran who claims to have a PhD.

With acidulous ardor,

DiHydrogen MonoOxide is truly H2O.

This was a letter that went around about how it was easy to get people to think bad things about anything, if you put it in the right light. i.e. Too much of anything is bad. Used inappropirately it is bad. Some people have used it to defend large companies that say their products are fine and safe, just that people use them wrong or incorrectly, or take too much. Not their fault, for even Water can be dangerous with too much in the body or in a local enviorment.

I hope no one is too bent out of shape about this to continue this discussion.

Well, as expected you expose yourself the phony in both Martial Arts and in the professional community. When you mature come back.

Again, thanks for not addressing any of the arguments or points that are trying to be made. You made my point for me, again.

Sure, name-calling and telling me to get off the boards is going to get rid of me - and my (and other people's) arguments. Just because you can't reply in kind doesn't mean telling me to get lost will solve anything.

I've had a lot worse insults slung at me by people who don't know what to do with a woman who can think, and can fight. Boo hoo! Now I'll have to run away because some man called me names! lol

And I would like to say Thanks to Hardheadjarhead for sticking up for me while I was off the boards. That is very very kind. :ladysman:

Perhaps Jeff would like to present HIS credentials as well? Since it seems to be deteriorating to that. I don't think anyone needs a PhD to use calm reason, and to work through other people's research, or a problem. Having a degree in, say, English or Art History doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to understand the global climate change concepts and evidence.

And, pray tell, how does my vehement disagreeing with you and your non-arguments mean I am not a good martial artist? Are you... PSYCHIC?!?! Wow. I had no idea.

ETA: Nice post Rich, I hope this discussion can continue
Lets get back on subjct.

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Sheldon Bedell-MT Moderator-
Actually, there is a chance we might not have to worry about Global Warming. I did a little more research on this, and I found more than half the population of scietists don't believe in Global Warming. So there is a more or less chance it might happen.

Still, it doesn't hurt to take pre-cautions.
Kane said:
I did a little more research on this, and I found more than half the population of scietists don't believe in Global Warming.
Please post your research, so that I may review it. I am always interested in learning new things. And I am always open to change my opinion when presented with evidence.
Feisty Mouse said:
My apologies - your previous post seemed to indicate you thought it was serious.

Although I hardly think it was as nasty as a rubber crutch. I appreciate geek humor.
Yeah sorry mouse.
How about as funny as klingfilm under the toilet seat?

How about this idea:

Let's everybody keep driving SUVs. That way we can promote global warming and help fund terrorism all at the same time!
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