Give Me Strength!

For future insults I'm half Scottish and half Dutch.

No insult intended here

That is the first time I have ever heard someone outside of the US refer to themselves as anything other than where they were from

For the record IÂ’m over half German (some of that Prussian) and the rest is Scottish, Irish and a dash of British.

The reason this interests me is because a lady, that I once knew who was from Germany use to laugh at me because I would say I was mostly German. Her response; “Only in America”

Everywhere else they just say they are from the country they were born in, she was German, friends of hers were Swedish, Spanish, English, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Only the Americans that she knew responded with their heritage.

My wife is always Chinese…. The only addition to that might be Han People and she understands my heritage but still does not get why a whole lot of Americans, myself included, don’t just say American. My response to her, “OH Sure…. Easy for you to say, your country is over 6000 years old… mine is not even 300 yet :D

OK, enough of a post derailmentÂ… for now :EG:
For future insults I'm half Scottish and half Dutch.

So you like fatty foods, are bad at sports and can speak more languages than most people?

As a scotsman I can make that scots statement :P

Can't really find an insult for Dutch though go figure.

This post is purely for comedy and is in no way meant to infer an oppinion.
So you like fatty foods, are bad at sports and can speak more languages than most people?

As a scotsman I can make that scots statement :P

Can't really find an insult for Dutch though go figure.

This post is purely for comedy and is in no way meant to infer an oppinion.

Fit yer saying? I'm a stange quean?

I don't like deep fried Mars bars but love Scotch pies with chips and gravy!

Here people don't tend to say they are British, they will say they are Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc but that is the countries they are from. Calling them English tends to earn you a thump. Though it's fairly obvious of course by their accents! In England its gets further divided by whether they are from the North or the South, some of that can get quite acrimonious tbh as the North tends to have a chip on it's shoulder thinking the South gets the money, jobs etc.
It can be quite a serious thing where you come from in the UK, perceptions of what you are are linked to where you come from and what accent you have. There is a lot of resentment in Scotland and Wales as well as Cornwall about how England treats them and most know about the Irish. At one point in Wales and Cornwall second homes owned by the English were being burned down.
Nationalism is alive and well in the UK and it's not about being British!
Of course they may have been influenced by the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' where staff from a bogus charity removes with spoons the eyes of orphans because blind beggers make more money.

You see while you are laughing or groaning at absurdities in this country in another country it may be a reality. This was a film scene but based on reality which is something that upset a lot of Indians by all accounts. The film wasn't popular with a lot of people.... I can see why!

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