Gil Hibben in Austin

Michael Billings

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Late notice:

Austin Kenpo Karate (not my school) is hosting a Gil Hibben seminar this Saturday, October 11th. The morning seminar will be Kenpo Techniques and the afternoon will be Knive Throwing.

Sounds like lots of fun.

If interested follow the link to Sifu Jeff Schroeder's website.

Austin Kenpo Karate

I initially made this post without any printed reference in front of me, and inadvertently mis-spelled Mr. Hibben's last name. I apologize if this was disconcerting for anyone. No insult or slight was intended, after all, I have four of his knives.

For those wanting to get their Journey autographed, Mr. Hibben is signing and picture taking from 10 am - 10:30.

See you there.

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