Iv'e read a lot about Gavin De Becker on the site, and seen a lot of reccomendations for "The Gift Of Fear" but I am having a REAL problem getting thru it...
I can't get beyond some of his ideas like the fact that if a guy is a nice guy or genuinely wants to help a Female he will simply leave her alone...
Here's a Quote from the book that I think illustrates what I mean...
I have a hard time reading that without thinking what he is saying is "Dont trust any man who approches you" and that as a nice guy, I should never talk to women unless they talk to me first...
What is everyone elses take on that?
I can't get beyond some of his ideas like the fact that if a guy is a nice guy or genuinely wants to help a Female he will simply leave her alone...
Here's a Quote from the book that I think illustrates what I mean...
"Remember, the nicest guy, the guy with no self-serving agenda whatsoever, the one who wants nothing from you, wont approach you at all. You are not comparing the man who approaches you to all men, the vast majority of whom have no sinister intent. Instead you are comparing him to other men who make unsolicited approaches to women alone."
I have a hard time reading that without thinking what he is saying is "Dont trust any man who approches you" and that as a nice guy, I should never talk to women unless they talk to me first...
What is everyone elses take on that?