Gi vs No Gi

I decided to go with gi training, as stated and I'm actually training in Army Combatives three to five days a week with a Sergeant in my unit (3-4 CAV, 25 ID) whenever we find the time. I found Army combatives are largely BJJ based and the sergeant I train with is actually a BJJ brown belt.
Nothing trains you in the technical level like wearing a gi.

As many others have stated, the gi is where it's at.
Training both is ideal, of course. But if you have to train exclusively in one or the other, I'd recommend training in a gi. I've seen in tournaments guys with absolutely no no-gi experience compete in both gi and no-gi divisions just for the mat time.

This is good advice. Personally, I train with and without the gi, and would recomend doing the same, as you get experiance with both methods. Experience is the best teacher. Find out which way is best suited for your game, but try not to neglect the other method either. Remember, on the street, at work, in the bar, etc. you probably won't be wearing a gi...
I know this question has been asked in various iterations on this board before and I intend to take up MMA training sometime next year after I return from an Individual Augmentee assignment and (hopefully) am able to transfer from the US Navy to the US Army.

Where I'm liable to be using BJJ training (and other training) are in two places. In my MMA fighting (amateur level/post competitions) and in Army combatives. I know Gi training REALLY is beneficial to fighting someone hand to hand wearing BDUs. No Gi training is recommended for MMA. I'm wondering which should I start with in order to serve both goals (being a proficient MMA practicioner and being skilled in Army H2H)?
I do both Gi and NoGi, so here is my advice to you...

since you want to do primarily MMA which is NoGi, i suggest you do both, but when you train with the Gi on, don't rely on the Gi to get subs or get used to grabbing lapels and pants, this will only hinder your goal of using what you learn into MMA. practicing like this will improve your defensive skills tremendously, while the NoGi training will improve your offensive skills.

good luck!
I went from no-gi to gi training. They're both technical in different ways, and certainly compliment each other when you roll. My base is improved from wearing a gi, and I'm more comfortable with using an over/underhook along with gripping.

While I'm happy with my athleticism as a no-gi player, wearing a gi has made me more methodical, and willing to venture into different strategies.

Do both. Have fun.
... Remember, on the street, at work, in the bar, etc. you probably won't be wearing a gi...

Yea, but winter is coming. I sure to like to see folk wearing nice, sturdy leather or denim jackets :)

While I don't only train techniques that make use of "handles", I sure do notice when they are there ;) :)
I do and love both gi and nogi, I don't consider them the same beast. While there are similarities, I find that nogi is kind of a 'core' motions (with the addition of slip etc), but it's like doing ... greco vs judo? Not sure if that makes sense, but there's definitely a translation of most moves if you don't have handles to grip (or grip fighting in general).

My thoughts, do both, or whichever you love. I happen to love both.

At the last competition though, I was the _only_ one that did gi in the morning, and nogi that afternoon, in my entire division. I found that to be an eye opener.

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