GI shrinkage


Black Belt
I know that cotton Gi's shrink when new if not washed carefully.

1. Will they continue to shrink when subject to heat, hot water or hot drying, even after several washings?

2. Does the poly/cotton fabric shrink as much as and for as long as the full cotton?
I know that cotton Gi's shrink when new if not washed carefully.

1. Will they continue to shrink when subject to heat, hot water or hot drying, even after several washings?

2. Does the poly/cotton fabric shrink as much as and for as long as the full cotton?
I think pure cotton will shrink and then relax back with use.
Poly/cotton is pretty stable and still feels good. Unless you want a heavyweight Gi, I would go with it.
Always cold wash your gi and hang dry. This prevents... shrinkage (with your karate gi, that is). And this is regardless of whether it's cotton or polycotton.

Polycotton dries much faster that regular cotton, but doesn't breath as well. Even if you don't like polycotton, it might be good to have one in your wardrobe in case you're not gonna have a dry cotton gi in time for a session that you really want to show up for.
Polycotton dries much faster that regular cotton, but doesn't breath as well. Even if you don't like polycotton, it might be good to have one in your wardrobe in case you're not gonna have a dry cotton gi in time for a session that you really want to show up for.
Never thought of that thanks.
Recently, I happened across a Shureido Gi for sale on ebay (I know, I know, my propensity to purchase used Gi's has been the subject of threads before-but ignore that for now!) It was listed as used, showing signs of wear, NW3, size 4.5, (listed on ebay new for about $275), "the thread is a double structure grain using polyester as a centre core and surrounded by cotton. This new material has a pleasant texture on the skin and strong centre core. Polyester/Cotton blend "Heavy weight" Karate Gi."

I bid and won it. It did have two lightly faded small stains and a few signs of wear. I tried it on and size wise it was similar to my size 4 Sun brand Gi I was given a year ago with my joining the Dojo. My Sun Gi has been washed many times over the past year. I did shorten the pants legs on the Sun Gi, but no other size alterations were made to it. I found the Shureido Gi size chart on line and compared the measurements of the Gi, with a 4.5 size tag on the pants, to the size chart.

Clearly the Shureido Gi had shrunk some. Some measurements were to a size 4, others to a size 3.5. The Shureido web site states "Shureido logo to be on the jacket front and back of the jacket, uniform is with WKF Label&s
Shureido label (errors in original)." Other retailers of Shureido NW3 do not mention or show WKF logo or Shureido logos on the front and back of jacket.

The Gi I received does not have the embroidered Shureido logo on the front or back of the jacket. It does have the black Shireido label tag on the corner of the skirt of the jacket. Nor does it have the WKF logo above the black jacket label on the corner of the jacket. I do not know what the poly/cotton mater looks or feels like, so I have no opinion on whether or not the material is as advertised for the NW# model. It does feel like heavier weight canvas as compared to my Sun Gi which is about the weight of a bed sheet. I di acquire a Ronin brand 16oz Gi jacket and the Shureido material is less stiff than the Ronin material. So I am not sure if the Gi I received is the NW3, perhaps a K10 or K11 or some other model.

The Shureido lists shrinkage for the NW# as 2 cm, approximately 3/4". The Shureido has shrunk more than that. I have now way of knowing how many times it was washed or how it was washed, but, clearly it has signs of wear.

It the end it fits me and has much useful life left in it. Considering it cost me about 25% of new, I am satisfied with my purchase (my opinion). Others may have a different opinion.

Thanks for reading this post.
Just a machine wash in warm water and a round in a hot drier will shring a 100% cotton gi about a full size.

If it is made partially of polyester or nylon, it likely will not shrink much.
Found this post. Is it true to the best of your knowledge? It the material is 65% cotton and 35% poly will it shrink 66% less than 100% cotton?
Found this post. Is it true to the best of your knowledge? It the material is 65% cotton and 35% poly will it shrink 66% less than 100% cotton?
It Absolutely will Not shrink a full size. 100% cotton will shrink and the strands that are the longest (the pants legs) will shrink the most. But a full size is ridiculous.
Your blend uniform will shrink slightly if it is dried regularly in a hot dryer. The key here is to have a uniform with plenty of movement to start with and not trying to wear a size too small to start with.
Since it shrank a full size approximately it must be 100% cotton then? If it is 100% cotton it is not a NW3,which is what was claimed in the listing, right?

All K9, K10's and K11's are 100% cotton. While New Waves 1,2,3 are poly cotton blends according to the Shureido web site.

So the one I received must be a K10 or K11. It is to heavy to be a K9.

Since I have no idea how it was treated so as to complain about the amount of shrinkage. Perhaps it was washed hot and dried on High setting?

Assuming all this is true I did not get what was advertised. But I did get a K10 or K11. Actually, for the price, I am okay with what I received. Whew.
Since it shrank a full size approximately it must be 100% cotton then? If it is 100% cotton it is not a NW3,which is what was claimed in the listing, right?

All K9, K10's and K11's are 100% cotton. While New Waves 1,2,3 are poly cotton blends according to the Shureido web site.

So the one I received must be a K10 or K11. It is to heavy to be a K9.

Since I have no idea how it was treated so as to complain about the amount of shrinkage. Perhaps it was washed hot and dried on High setting?

Assuming all this is true I did not get what was advertised. But I did get a K10 or K11. Actually, for the price, I am okay with what I received. Whew.
I always wash mine in cold water and then hang dry. I wear a Kenpo Gi, so the material is not heavy, and it doesn't take long to dry.
I know that cotton Gi's shrink when new if not washed carefully.

1. Will they continue to shrink when subject to heat, hot water or hot drying, even after several washings?
Like Levi 501s, once shrunk, they should remain pretty much that new shrunk size. But don’t wash them in hot water, there’s no need with modern detergents and washing machine cycles. Just use a cool or cold wash and drip dry only.
2. Does the poly/cotton fabric shrink as much as and for as long as the full cotton?
No it doesn’t since part of it is a man-made fibre.

As a slight aside, I recently invested in gym wear made of special man-made wicking fibre. They are awful; cold to the touch, especially when you first put them on, they get sweaty in areas when you do manage to get warm (armpits) and when you rest between sets, you get cold very quickly. I find myself putting on and taking off an extra top to cope with this, all the time! I’ve switched back to pure cotton.

Be warned with man-made fibres!
Since it shrank a full size approximately it must be 100% cotton then? If it is 100% cotton it is not a NW3,which is what was claimed in the listing, right?

All K9, K10's and K11's are 100% cotton. While New Waves 1,2,3 are poly cotton blends according to the Shureido web site.

So the one I received must be a K10 or K11. It is to heavy to be a K9.

Since I have no idea how it was treated so as to complain about the amount of shrinkage. Perhaps it was washed hot and dried on High setting?

Assuming all this is true I did not get what was advertised. But I did get a K10 or K11. Actually, for the price, I am okay with what I received. Whew.
Since you mention the weight and excess shrinkage, I wonder if it is a canvas uniform made from linen. They are very heavyweight, and I do think canvas linen shrinks the most.
Update: Took the GI to the Dojo today. Two of the instructors, both 7 Dan, were there and agreed that it was not 100% cotton and was Poly Cotton blend. So I received the Shureido NW3 Gi that was advertised.

Obviously, I don't know its history to account for the Shrinkage, it has a size 4.5 label. But, I am pleased as it fits me well.

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