GGM Charles Gaylord Passes


Master Black Belt
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
I am sad to announce that Kajukenbo GGM Charles Gaylord passed away today after a brief illness. One of the pioneers in the Kaju world. Sad day.
A very sad day. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kajukenbo community, his students and family.:asian:
He was one of the gentlemen on Fight Quest when they did Kajukenbo, correct?

If so, he seemed quite nice. My condolences to your family.

He will indeed be missed by the Kaju Ohana, this is a sad day.
My heart is breaking, for the MA world has lost a treasure.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kajukenbo world and to GGM Gaylord's family.
I extend my deepest sympathy to Prof. Gaylord's family, friends and students.

Truly sad for Kajukenbo, and the martial arts as a whole. Another ground floor practitioner gone, but not forgotten, with the passage of time.

I wish his spirit well in its next endeavor.

Milt G.
I am stunned! GGM Gaylord was such an amazing man. Fierce fighter, innovator, teacher, friend, gentleman, and so much more. He had such an open mind, huge heart and was an inspiration to us all. I just spent several hours with him just a few months ago, never knowing what the future held in store. I will cherish all the wonderful things he has given to us all. On behave of Modern Farang Mu Sul International, I extend my deepest simpathies to his family, students, and all my Kaju brothers and sisters.
Grand Master Michael De Alba
Myself along with the American Karate Association sends it deepest condolences. Little by little those who pioneered the arts are leaving us. We must do our best to not only cherrish their memories but continue their teachings to the next generation students so that they may achieve immortality in our hearts and minds.