Getting the most out of free sparring.

In many ways, Instructor Dustin put on a nice demo... people love to demo the basic kata, forms, etc...
HOwever, there tons to address on what he's doing wrong.... which then ties into mental discipline development, the prime goal of kate... or priority goal if you will.
First off, he's doing the techniques with his chin down.... indicating a mental 'help note.' This is the find of form you'd expect from a beginner... seeking, struggling to learn the form... mentally watching his own moves a big focus there.... The chin should be square which aids physical posture & a host of mental activities...particularly the mental side of KIME.
The superb aspect that Instructor Dustin does is the pace he executes the hyung... This is the pace that has the body moving with some muscular exercise, yet relaxed; and the mind exerting some authority, yet again relalxed.... This is what builds mind/ body unity, with the mind working on each & every step, each & every instant, continuously active from beginning to end.....
That is the purpose for kata and how you do it to the standards of the Okinawan, Chinese, Korean Masters... how they intended....
Over time, the Traditional martial base builds & builds & builds.... (Tang Soo Do specifically emphasizes this upfront). Until, you can do this....mentally
See following post....
Mind / Body unity by TMA is far more than the high-level of coordination exhibited by high-level athletes.... Mind / Body unity by TMA princples means the conscious mind is overseeing and in EXACTING control over the body moments @ all times... never wavering, never ending... never interrupted... supreme mental discipline over all one's actions... This is the prime end-purpose of kata... in terms of martial base.... or I should say end priority....
I'm more like Nate Hitpas in the YT Vid. Tony Vittorioso is way above me in nautural strength & athletic prowess... But like, Nate, I don't have to be a better athlete to beat Tony, I do have to be physically conditioned PLUS (the big plus) Mentally disciplined....
Nate is a sample of how I fight... except he does what a lot of Shotokan and other karate competitor do with powerful springing & leaping (Nate still highly disciplined here and great & applied kumite technique),,, I just step & transition between stance like Hyung Il Bu in form...
See Time 0:45. I do not lean into the strike, which is acceptable Kumite form or applied form.... I stand like Hyung Il Bu and strike very fast ,very dynamic.... here with ACTIVE DEFENSE FIRST.... Active defense is a staple of real traditional karate.. real CMA.... real WC despite what other here might say....
Time 0:45, that's classic me in action.... Including the traditional guard return @ Time 0:46. so the actual technique is fractions of a second.... It doesn't have to be lighting,,, speed of light kenpo.... just very fast and very dynamic in your overall action & hence effect....
And if you think the guard Nate goes into @ 0:46 is stupid... one is only showing one's ignorance of the TMA base.... Nate is dead on with that recovery......:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:
EDIT: Actual "technique" change to "tactic."
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I feel the same way. Continuous sparring is better than the point sparring which has become more of an advance game of tag.

In sparring or even in a real fight situation, I'm always happy to to absorb a weak strike or a strike that glances if it means that I can deliver one that's solid and powerful. Point sparring trains bad habits, mainly all of the bouncing that occurs and the "one hit and I'm done" mentality.
Putting myself in your shoes, I wouldn't change anything about the way you are training. Trying to deconstruct the pace of kata or forms to isolated out different physical methods of preforming same, is counterproductive & harmful IMO.
We see a lot of talk about this on forums, suggesting all sorts of ways and methods to train forms to get the "real" benefitof kata.... Imagine you are fighting an imaginary opponent, for example. These are by-in-large wrong... proposed by those who will to promote themselves as having the "inside track" on how to train martial arts OR, alternatively, those that want to impose their own principles how to learn to fight, self defense... rather than work off the wisdom of the historic TMA masters --- IOW, they think they know better or don't want to put the time & effort in to really understanding the TMA platform...
A case of wanting to be the one who is right...:asshat:as opposed to being right....:bookworm:
ADD: in the situation of the 'imaginary opponent,' this is not the way to train kata individually. If you want to add the opponent... then TMA has 2-man exercises, including 2-man kata or forms sets.... Sparring is really the proper place to add the opponent.... who can either be cooperative or antagonist (resistive) depending on what you want to accomplish... .just as you Ja Gow have inidicated....
Even making allowance for the more traditional version of Kyo.... this is really kickboxing pure & simple, NOT traditional karate or TMA.
Th black-belt is a very good striker in technique.... This is proper training for full contact, they are using semi-contact to toughen themselves, physially & mentally condition for full contact. For KICKBOXING ,that is.... This is the way to train realistically for the Jai Harman MMA competition style we see in his MMA YT vids, IMO. With the proper mindset, one can train point fighting for same, as welll... where contact is light to none....
When Kyo practitioners go harder than this... then they are sitting on the opposite end of kata practice, the traditional principles that develop the TMA base. IOW, a TMA disaster...
One can train full power in TMA, but that is not the standard by which the base is built.... One must recognize that or one undercut's the whole TMA methodology...
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THE GIST: If I learn to naturally kick & punch hard @ inanimate objects, I'll become a good KYO fighter... UGH.... x 1000.
I particularly like [NOT} the way the Blue-Belt in the back stands square in front of the kicking shield with no guard,,,, leaning forward with his head, wading in with alternating crosses (punches) over & over & over..... THIS AIN'T KARATE..... oh excuse me he's mixing in some hook or uppercut type stuff...
The mental training going off in his head over & over says: "I wanna be a tough guy."
I have no issue with type of training,,, as long as there is the recognition that this is pure athletic exercise in the form of kicking & punching... And no doubt a resounding commercial success... which is legitimate commercially wise....
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I wish punching to the face was allowed
I've given you some criticism from my perspective of how I train, TMA. I can also accept your TMA model... You have a sound approach in place TMA-wise that is working for you... and you've most certainly demonstrated that in all your presentations... So again, standing in your shoes, I wouldn't attempt to monkey with it or overwork it....
ON THE HEAD PUNCHING.... Again my TMA model addresses this.... Moreover, the KYO model traditionally addresses this issue as well... The Kyo traditional model trains punches to the head in kihon, kata, at least,,, I don't know about self defense, 1-steps in the modern version....
You specifically train head punching in your demos.... so you've accounted for that. But KYO proper does also,,, just not in actual contact sparring.... So in principle, in preparation for actual fighting KYO proper trains head punching and those saying that the prohibition of head punching in KYO free sparring is a weakness is therefore a myth & false.... it's a safety rule & contact sparring convention only....
I wish punching to the face was allowed
People not just training KYO, but particular talking about KYO are way too reactive in their thinking... They see a convention, and extrapolate that to the entire style. the Modern KYO curriculum expressly trains head punching.... expressly....
NOw if one puts in their KYO brain that the only technique they will learn and practice is what they actually see others do in KYO contact sparring & training for same.... then they will not be competent to face punch, head punch, etc. BUT THAT IS NOT THE MODERN KYO CURRICULUM.... the modern KYO curriculum says you must learn, train, and be prepared to punch to the face, head...... so are you training the KYO curriculum or is one training for competition convention....
Same problem / question for Shotokan point sparring.... are you learning & training for 'speed tag;' which is not the traditional Shotokan karate curriculum. In Shotokan competition point sparring, you are supposed to be generating power.... but stopping short of significant contact with the opponent.... that is what Shotokan free sparring is supposed to be doing.... NOT tippy tag, I gotcha really fast & tricky... ha ha...
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Ja Gow, here's traditional KYO beginner kata....
Here's where your fine counsel comes in....:cigar: If one wants to train TMA, train TMA, what it teaches.... don't go and do something else in fighting....:facepalm:
NOtice the pace @ which even those tough KYO b*stards practice kata.... pretty much like Tang Soo Do, TKD , Shotokan and other karate styles,,,, etc, etc....
The instructor demonstrating the KYO beginner kata displays an excellent mindset.... serious with emotion out of it.... superb.... He leaves the 'tough guy' nonsense to the Toronto-based KYO vids I posted above,,,
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HERE'S TOM BLOOM of Tang Soo do doing 1-steps....
Head strikes are expressly trained. Many people laud Muay Thai for it's 8 limbs emphasis... MY response: The Traditional karates expressly train elbows... study the curriculum... not what Mr. Idiot tough guy is parroting from Mr. senior tough guy....:facepalm:
IMHO, Tom is going to wipe out 9 out of 10 modern KYO practitioners, hands down... the others it will be a contest... $$ on Tom...:greedy:
Good luck...
PS.. how does Tom Bloom close the distance????
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HOw does Machida attempt (fail) to close the distance on RUA? Lot's wrong here TMA wise.
Here's the 1-step answer to Rua's counter cross.. taught through out the early parts of the traditional Shotokan black-belt curriculum....
I think the Master commenting is a renowned Shotokan karate master, who has triumphed in JKA kumite competition... and survived challenge matches, particularly when he left Japan...
The 2nd part of the Jiyu Ippon kumite is the (a) correct way to counter Rua's counter right against Machida's left reverse punch...
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Punching to the face helps to improve defense and it prevents the practioner from developing bad habits like not keeping the guard up high enough to block punches to the face.
HOw does Machida attempt (fail) to close the distance on RUA? Lot's wrong here TMA wise.
Here's the 1-step answer to Rua's counter cross.. taught through out the early parts of the traditional Shotokan black-belt curriculum....
I think the Master commenting is a renowned Shotokan karate master, who has triumphed in JKA kumite competition... and survived challenge matches, particularly when he left Japan...
The 2nd part of the Jiyu Ippon kumite is the (a) correct way to counter Rua's counter right against Machida's left reverse punch...
from a CMA perspective he failed to clear/address the lead hand. I tell students, if they are in an open stance then they must remove the lead hand's ability to punch before they attack with their own punch.
Punching to the face helps to improve defense and it prevents the practioner from developing bad habits like not keeping the guard up high enough to block punches to the face.
And that is precisely what the TMA curriculum trains..... AND TO ALL PART OF THE BODY....
Another myth is the sanctity of the high guard... That is against TMA principles....
For example, see my post #59 @ your "Frustrated in Sparring": Thread.... Caroline's, the female black-belt instructor's traditional guard is way too high... Caroline kickboxing guard @ Post #60 is even worse-er.... er added for emphasis....:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Here how TMA, any TMA in principle, handles a punch to the head.... in a fighting situation. Sample is TKD.
I like pretty much the way the TKD instructor holds his guard.... my has some adjustments i won't go into now.... in principle his TKD guard is good & proper....
FIRST... ALL TMA techniques begin from CHAMBER... Here, against the high right cross, the instructor applies a left knifed APPLIED block...
SECOND.... the guard hands, unlike kickboxing, boxing, MT, MMA whatever sport model....., DO NOT STAY PASSIVE.... Here, the instructor uses a modified chamber... .(actually similar to the x-block...) and then blocks high outside against the cross...
SUMMARY... the TMA guard hands may be 'DOWN' by boxing standards, MMA convention, Muay Thai technique, whatever.... BUT THEY DON'T STAY DOWN... THEY DON'T PASSIVELY COVER OR SHELL... THEY MOVE ACTIVELY AGAINST THE ASSAULT.... that's it...
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from a CMA perspective he failed to clear/address the lead hand. I tell students, if they are in an open stance then they must remove the lead hand's ability to punch before they attack with their own punch.
Yes, because TMA is not 1-dimensional in either it's design or application (globally read "thinking").
However, your solution is only 1 of many, and by various alternative principles.. For instance, If Machida wants to pre-emptively strike Rua before Rua can counter with his left (lead, whatever), then Machida must take those TMA actions that make that effective.... Machida need not clear the lead hand if he is able to launch a single strike pre-emptively... the whole stated convention underlying the vast majority of Shotokan karate point fighting....
Mentally (& physically) however, landing a pre-emptive strike is the most difficult & challenging, hence dangerous.... That is why the standard traditional karate training is "go no sen" or block (in this case the lead hand) then strike. IOW 1, then 2. Tactically speaking; a 1, 2 Count....tactic.
The general standard in all karate tactics is block, then strike.... defense, then offense.... the most efficient mentally to attain.... in term of mental discipline development....
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from a CMA perspective he failed to clear/address the lead hand. I tell students, if they are in an open stance then they must remove the lead hand's ability to punch before they attack with their own punch.
LET'S take another look @ the Shotokan Okuri Jiyu Ippon Kumite YT Vid.
Now, the 1-steps typically teach a particular tactical sortie.... The express implications, in principle, is that these individual 1-step sorties become a toolbox of PRINCIPLES, that one can apply or modify in actual sparring or fighting as one decides....which is an extension & expansion of KIME.... the 1-steps isolate out tactical alternatives....
Here, this form of Shotokan ippon kumite expressly combines 2 ippon kumite tactics, in response to the offense by the attacker.... HERE is illustrated the overall principle of Machida's massive sport karate form FAIL against Rua... and how to defeat boxing brother as well...
When the opponent changes and tries or makes another move... you must be MENTALLY DISCIPLINED to move dynamically enough to overcome that new move.... The defender does so successfully in this illustration / exercise.... This is exactly how the karateka defeats the Rua, Jai Harman,,,, boxing brother, whomever,,,,, in overall principle.....
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TIME 1:04. Against a new attack by the assailant (Following up on the attacker's failure to connect with the front middle kick) by a high kick to the defender's head, the defender transitions in stance, applies a high applied knife-hand block neutralizing the high kick; which neutralization leaves the attacker open to a middle punch to the rear torso...... classic traditional karate or TMA.... go-no-sen.... in mental direction of physical technique.....
Note the defender immediately returns to guard following 1-step #1, Immediatelyllllllll protected AND ready to chamber again..... ON Guard mentally....... then efficiently transitions in stance again during the 2nd Ippon Kumite response....
The guiding tactical principle in this lesson.... the opponent comes at you with a technique designed to thwart your first.... you are instantly on guard.... transition in stance as necessary.... change tactics.... choose among proper alternatives and respond with the effective technique(s) with speed, precision & power (read "KIME")... then immediately go on guard instantly ready to begin again & again &again.... til the opponent is vanquished....
Traditional karate is a mental discipline --- a battle of the mind,,,, your mind, one's own mind... not a battle against opponent's physical actions....
Machida was out to lunch (mental lunch) in that exchange against Rua....
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