Getting back up to speed after illness


Master Black Belt
So, I've got a big tournament two weeks from this Friday (eek!), and I just got over that lovely H1N1 flu--I was unable to work out at all for a week.

I started with an easy workout last Thursday, just half an hour of stretching and walking through kata without, then a heavier hour workout on Friday (kata and techniques with advancement). Saturday I rested, then did an intense hour of kata on Sunday, and half my usual pushups/situps/jump rope. Planning on some sparring tonight, if I can hack it.

I'm making it through my workouts, but I'm finding that my whole body feels kind of "out of tune." I can't think of a better way to describe it; but my stamina is way low, parts of me that usually don't hurt are achy, my balance is bad....bleah.

Any suggestions for getting back into the swing of things in time for the State Championship? Should I concentrate on "tasks" and leave the conditioning be for now, or ramp up both at the same time? My instructors don't compete, so I'm kinda on my own here.
I don't compete either but IMO, and likely this is not what you want to read, your body is not yet ready and needs the time to recover working it header can, at times, make things worse. As for getting ready in time for the State Championship, you have two weeks, take it at the pace your body is telling you to go and you might be ready by then anyway. Or another possibility, based entirely on my own training habits of my youth, push it and injure yourself or get sick again and be out altogether.

Sorry I can be of no help, maybe someone else will have something more.
Hi Stac3y, Not sure of your age if at the more mature ages I would take it slow. Slow is push until you fell fatigued then rest the next day. Kids and young adult however can push and don't need as much rest but after an illness it is always good to rest.

What you are doing seem good for now but you will need to up the intensity at some point. Just remember to rest on days after a major workout. While resting you can still do something light, such as forms without the power and or some light core work. But on all days get your sleep.

Sleep is the most important part of any workout, sick or not. Even if you are feeling your best always get a good nightÂ’s sleep. That is when the body repairs itself the best.

That is all I have for you. Hope you feel better.
You know if it was me I would sit this one out just getting over the flu, the body needs to recover 100% before doing a tournament, take it from a old pro that used to abuse his body. It is not worth it.
You're body is telling you that it's still not quite ready. Listen to it. It'll take some time to recover, and you'll be courting an injury if you don't give yourself the time to do so. You're not a professional athlete; is the risk of injury worth the rewards?
Thanks, everyone! I sparred tonight and it felt GREAT (we'll see how I feel tomorrow, though.) I think that taking a whole week off when I got sick may have been key--I usually keep going through illness, but I actually sat down and rested for a week this time. I'm hoping that my malaise of the last few days was just my body complaining at moving around again--I'm kind of old for this stuff (42), and when I'm working out regularly, I always have a lot of aches and pains. I was careful to sit out rounds when I felt tired, and I sweated like a horse, but my speed and timing were good, so I think I'm on the road to recovery.

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