Getting back in tune with my chi - help needed


Orange Belt
Hello all,

I am a longtime practitioner of martial arts. In my teens, I was briefly exposed to reiki and chi but left it at that. At the most I could feel a chi ball when my hands were apart.

Since starting back up on my martial arts training, I have this new-found interest in chi and life energy.

I am wondering if anyone would be able to share and "make sense" of what I have been experiencing. I am a computer programer and photographer by trade so it is natural for me to want to blog about stuff. With that being said, I created a blog on my experiences here: I could post them all one by one but the blog is already made so there you have it.

Would you all be so kind as to maybe offer some comments either here or add a comment in the blog posts as to what exactly is going on when I talk about what I have been noticing in my efforts. I am doing everything possible research wise but it will take quite a while to know as much as many of you.

If you feel like sharing some tips for me as well then I would really appreciate it as well to maybe fix some bad habits or ways to maximize what I am doing.
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Find a teacher. Know qigong theory. Without that you Will
Never make progress and May injure yourself.
Thanks for the feedback. I will investigate Gigong more. Can you take a second and reflect on what I have been experiencing? I have no idea if it is chi that I am feeling or I am just meditating and shutting out the outside world and focusing more on what's happening internally. Not sure if chi is flowing or I am just working in my sub-conscious or feeling my blood and heart pumping...
Thanks for the feedback. I will investigate Gigong more. Can you take a second and reflect on what I have been experiencing? I have no idea if it is chi that I am feeling or I am just meditating and shutting out the outside world and focusing more on what's happening internally. Not sure if chi is flowing or I am just working in my sub-conscious or feeling my blood and heart pumping...
Hi Mike I am unsure if you have a question. Usually when practicing Qigong you have some idea what you are trying to accomplish. Having no idea is good it means you know that you do not know and now can seek the proper method of knowledge. Know the theory of Chinese Qigong so you know what you are doing and what not to do. Do not get attached to feelings and sensations.

Since you are moving Qi to your head:
Moving Qi to your head can cause problems as it can get block which is one of the reasons after Qigong practice you massage the Acupoints in the head and body to smooth it out.
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That's the answer I was looking for. I will continue to do simple, calming meditation and save the chi until I learn more what I am dealing with. Thanks again.
my feeling is that a WHOLE LOT of people, especially beginners, who claim that they can "feel their chi" are fooling themselves. This is something for which you need some serious instruction from a good teacher, and there aren't many around. Many who claim to be a teacher for this, should not be teaching because they don't know what they are doing and are fooling themselves as well. So I'm always skeptical. always.
I totally hear you and am 100% skeptical about all this myself. Like I said before I am not sure if I am just calming myself and tuning out the outside world so I am hearing and noticing my body more or if I am actually feeling something more. I did grab that Qigong book and will not be doing any more of this until I understand things better. This is what I was looking for in writing this post so thank you all. I didn't know that this could actually harm me so I am glad you pointed that out.
You may want to look at this too
Finding the Still Point: A Beginner's Guide to Zen Meditation by John Daido Loori
I don't think there's any scientific data on this type of energy. Could be wrong though.

How could he 'harm himself' ?
I don't think there's any scientific data on this type of energy. Could be wrong though.

How could he 'harm himself' ?

There are a few ways if you are doing more intense Qigong training but lets just leave it at; Found in the DSMR - IV qigong psychosis AKA Qigong Deviation Syndrome.
I've heard of people thinking they need to follow weird and complicated breathing patterns that aren't good for you. Forced breathing and tensions that over time can lead to things like high blood pressure and heart disease. If you don't know how to go about it properly, you might end up doing this. The problem might not be evident for a long time, and when it shows up it's too late, damage done.

I don't really know anything about qi itself so I can't comment on actually screwing up your qi. But the practice itself can be dangerous if you are going about it in the wrong way, aside from the qi issues.

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