Getting an Education

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*looking out the window at the sunbeams flowing in and realizing how very very disceiving that is...
But hims should be used to this weather, since he lives in the 9th circle...
Tis quite pleasant on the 2nd level.. *watching the enslaved men sashaying about with their frondy fans*
Originally posted by arnisador
Our school newspaper has a weekly "Stupid Prof Quotes" column, but it's mostly things taken out of context to make them sound sexual, like when a mech. eng. prof. says "Now grab your rod..." or something.

While is setting in the drivers seat of a vehicle, a female engineer asked me the follow: "Can I borrow your Laptop, and will you reach over and turn me on?" :eek:

She needed to to use my laptop to gather some data, and for me to key the vehicle up or turn the vehicle on, so that embedded computers would power up on the vehicle. Someone over heard her and laughed, she felt embarrassed :D. I just smiled and replied, I knew how you meant it. ;)

Out of context quotes bother me :(

Oh well :rolleyes:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Tis quite pleasant on the 2nd level.. *watching the enslaved men sashaying about with their frondy fans*

being enslaved to a buncha women wouldn't be so bad...:ladysman: ...I just ain't gonna sashay about with a fan made of fronds...;)
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Out of context quotes bother me :(

We had a real ugly case recently. The paper ran a quote saying that Prof. X had said, "Women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." Prof. X had actually caught some guys in his class hassling some girls and had saif to the guys (something like): "Did I just hear you guys say that 'Women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen'?" He proceeded to give them grief. It was just ridiculously out of context--I thought it was pretty juvenile of them to run it like that. I was disappointed in the them for that one.
...but that'd only be one woman....and she should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen...baking. :roflmao:
*rolls eyes at chronuss and my boss*
...whew...i got outta there fast enough before the "husband" jokes came out...
I had a prof who used to say so many strange things that one of the girls in the class started keeping a daily journal and and the end of the year she emailed it to the class. It was 11 pages type written. Three years later it's still circling around because the same prof still teaches the first year course that everyone has to take.

He often says things like:

"I suppose if you look at a skunk's head you wouldn't be able to tell if it's a skunk or an otter. If you look at it from the snout, you'll be able to tell, yes, it's a skunk. You look at the skunk and run your fingers through it's luxurious fur."


"This is not mathematics anymore than your love life is mathematics."


"Have rivers ceased to flow? Life doesn't make any sense anymore."

It was a music class by the way. He's a really funny guy, always very philosophical.

I think one of my favourites, however, was:

"Does everyone see the trap he's set up?" (While blocking the overhead.) :rofl: