I am a judo instructor, not to mention a constant student, I teach juniors and seniors in the same class. It takes about 4 - 5 years to obtain dan ranking. If you get it too quick 3 or under then I believe you lose the benefit of truly "Learning and Understanding." That is not the same as learning a bunch of techniques.
Now, for 2nd dan I believe a 2 yr. minimum is required. It all depends on how you sharpen your previous material plus learn the new stuff.
It also depends on if you are an instructor or not. The belt is black, so what.....your life doesn't have to be a rushed resume. Slow and steady wins the race.
Be patient have fun, compete as much as you can. Oh BTW: My certification is from the USJA. Same as Kukkiwan for TKD. If your school is certified through another organization that is nationally recognized then don't sweat the small stuff.
Just make sure you favorite thing is falling. Without doing well in that you will never make it to green belt. So again, have fun....and good luck.