Get Ready TaxPayers

Well, if it's simply a matter of scale, lets talk SSI payments for December 2008 (just the one month). Wanna guess how much we, as tax payers, paid out in SSI benefits for just December of 2008? Highlight the next few lines to find out. I don't want to spoil the surprise.

And what is the economic value of the wealth lost due to the now nationalized financial sector?
Once again, I think you're minimizing the impact on our society of abused welfare programs. I am not suggesting that corrupt CEOs is a non-issue. Quite the contrary, I'm suggesting that this is a subject of note as that is also a subject of note.
It's a necessary consequence to multiple choices we have made as a society, all good:
1) it's not the place of the state to control the reproductive choices of it's citizens
2) children shouldn't starve to death

So the state either helps support them now, or inevitably supports them later when CPS removes the children and places them in the state system. Only a tiny handful of individuals go Ms. Suleman's route, so it would be foolish indeed to change those noble decisions to punish a handful of likely mentally ill individuals. Deadweight loss and free riders are an inevitable product of all large systems.

Wish I could rep you for this ethical post.
Chances are she went over the border to mexico for her fertility treatments. While there are some unethical fertility clinics in the country, most are not.

No.... she used Dr Michael Kamrava, West Coast IF, Beverly Hills, California.

The good Doctor Frank, er, Kamrava is facing already investigation by the state.... let's hope he and his little elfen helpers get the full bill for these.
I have no doubt California will pay for all the kids. No doubt at all. They pay for all the illegals they hide, they pay for all the fancy free health care, they pay for all the welfare queens and kings, they pay for all the super green environalmentalist stuff, so why not pay for some kids?

And you now know why California is going broke in a big way.

No.... she used Dr Michael Kamrava, West Coast IF, Beverly Hills, California.

The good Doctor Frank, er, Kamrava is facing already investigation by the state.... let's hope he and his little elfen helpers get the full bill for these.
Thanks. Last I had read, the actual doctor who performed the fertilization treatments was unknown.
No, it's better to pay for NEITHER and let them finally have to accept some consequences for their actions.

No, it isn't.

Those babies should not have to starve because mom is a irresponsible idiot. They did nothing except be born, so stating they should accept the consequences of their actions seems very wrong.
No, it isn't.

Those babies should not have to starve because mom is a irresponsible idiot. They did nothing except be born, so stating they should accept the consequences of their actions seems very wrong.

You know quite well that wasn't what I meant.

We have structures in place that can take care of the kids. SHE needs to have them confiscated and her uterine tubes disabled to stop her giving any MORE kids a ****ed up life.

She needs this done to stop HER, and to make an example of her so that OTHERS get the message that this kind of thing is not acceptable .

Odds of this happening in reality, your guess is as good as mine but I'm not holding my breath.
No, it isn't.

Those babies should not have to starve because mom is a irresponsible idiot. They did nothing except be born, so stating they should accept the consequences of their actions seems very wrong.

The problem is this Andrew. A message has to be sent that this is unaccpetable. If not, there will be hundreds or even thousands of 'litters' of babies that the state will have to support, until there is no state to support anyone.

Starve? No. But just about everything else is up to the mom and charities. Yes charaties not the state. The state becomes a guarantee and that's bad. Let the religious charaties do what they can. If she and the kids live in rags, so be it. If they can't make it past high school, so be it.

If this message is not sent, if it's not done, then the encouragment for others to do the same will be what the message is. And the doors will be open.

The problem is this Andrew. A message has to be sent that this is unaccpetable. If not, there will be hundreds or even thousands of 'litters' of babies that the state will have to support, until there is no state to support anyone.

Starve? No. But just about everything else is up to the mom and charities. Yes charaties not the state. The state becomes a guarantee and that's bad. Let the religious charaties do what they can. If she and the kids live in rags, so be it. If they can't make it past high school, so be it.

If this message is not sent, if it's not done, then the encouragment for others to do the same will be what the message is. And the doors will be open.


Actually, the bigger problem is that this is already an example left for many, especially those who live in California. But the greed of the doctor overcame the proper investigation of this woman to see if she was, indeed, a viable candidate for IVF treatment. There's *clearly* something wrong with her and a psych eval and background check should have revealed this.

That's why I think the doctor and his practice should help foot the bill for these kids.
No, it isn't.

Those babies should not have to starve because mom is a irresponsible idiot. They did nothing except be born, so stating they should accept the consequences of their actions seems very wrong.

And they shouldn't. Here's the thing down here in the U.S. Andrew. I don't know canadian law, I would assume/hope it is similar, but...

If I neglect and/or cannot care for my child, the state comes and takes it. They put it in a foster home until such time as the court system deems I am fit to raise it.

This woman now has more children than she can support. Given the state of things in the US, this is more children than most two-parent homes can support. I'm all for helping people in need, but she created a situation where, IMO, the state needs to step in, and not just with funds. The living conditions, amounts and types of foods these children are getting, etc, all need to be evaluated. Are they being properly supervised? Are they being changed, and kept clean? Is their living environment clean? Do they have enough space or does she have all these kids crammed into one bedroom? At some point the good of these children has to outweigh the desire for the mommy to have the horde of them...
And it just keeps on getting better and better ....

Octo-mom and her 14 kids could soon be homeless.

The house in which octuplet mom Nadya Suleman is already raising her other six children and will eventually bring her eight new children is in mortgage default, with the bank reporting that the family is $23,224 behind on payments, according to documents released Wednesday.

According to a "Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust" obtained by, the Whittier home owned by Suleman's mother, Angela, could go on the auction block by the end of the year.

According to the documents, Angela Suleman has made no payments on the house since last May.

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