Gene Simmons For President? The Rights position on who is qualified?

The problem with the whole system is the parties.

Over the decades of trying to follow this, by brother who is a whiz political analyst, says the problem is in the parties.

Whenever one party comes up with a good idea, the other party shoots it down just because it is the opposite party.

Both parties do this

I think they ought to narrow a political career to 2 years.

And a president should only be allowed as a independent, representing neither

Or cast out the parties.
Oh no, I thought he meant:

You win... I like your Jean Simmons better that the Gene Simmons they're talking about
When the democrats refused to let filibuster stop legislation, they get accused of ramming law down the throats of the Republicans and the American people. When they let it work, they are accused of letting it work so they can do it when they are the minority. Oftheherd, I think it might be you who are giving politicians too much credit :)

Filibuster and the threat of filibuster has increased almost exponitionally since Obama has taken office. That is not a valid "both sides do it" arguement. No matter how you feel politically, that can't be argued. If you feel it is warranted may be another thing. There is also some factual information which argues against President Obama's administration and Democrats increasing the size of government. That doesn't fit well with some people's narrative though, so I am sure it will be ignored.

I'm not picking on either party, nor defending either party. I think they both have forgotten who they are there to serve.
There is a major difference between the ways that economic activity functions at the micro and macro levels. A consistent problem that arises in 'layman' discussions of economics is that there is an attempt to equate the international flows of production, trade and wealth to how a household functions. That equivalence does not hold true ... or at least it didn't until the First World economies bought into the idea that you could run a country on selling each other haircuts and insurance :lol:.

The USA economy has not even started to address the structural debt that is hanging around it's figurative neck - the pain has not begun yet for you I am sad to say. The Democrats have been continuing to implement the policies of the previous Republican government so as to prop up domestic demand. The cuts are due to start in a year or two.

Over in Europe, we have, theoretically, been taking our medicine and allowed the economies to contract whilst destroying the savings of tens of millions through effectively negative interest rates. Despite the pain, not much progress is being made because inflation is a worry due to the billions of 'pretend money' that has been given to the banks, funded by 'real' money being taken from us, the taxpayer. If the QE (Quantative Easing) had consisted of giving money to people rather than bankrupt institutions we might have seen some benefit but, sadly, that is not the way it works when the banks hold the cards and merely want to wipe out their mistakes at our expense.
Thank you and again according to a well respected economist his explanation for the recession in general terms was related to corporate, banking and other sources restricting spending while making huge profits at the cost of consumers. but again the purpose of the thread was to point out the mentality and false reasoning that only people who have amassed great wealth at any cost be that even dubious means as Gene are the only ones qualified to run the country and ride in on a white horse to save us all??

Romney will see to it the rich get richer and the rest of us get the scraps as they fall from the table.
oftheherd1, they haven't forgotten who they serve at all, they know all too well who they serve...themselves. Until we find a way to limit their power it isn't going to change. You will never change that part of the human character, so you need to find a way to harness it and inhibit it. I think term limits might be one way. At least if we had term limits it would serve to protect one state from another state in this way. If you have a state that keeps electing a Ted Kennedy for 30 years, he is amassing more and more power. If another state is responsible and votes out their guys after one or two terms, they are just allowing the kennedy type politician to become more powerful and giving him the ability to control more money going to his cronies and supporters. Term limits would protect the responsible states from the greedy states.

Obama is doing just fine enriching his own bunch of rich fat cats, so let's not just say Romney is a bad guy. At least when he was at Bain capital he had a better record at making money than obama does with his "green" energy investments...using our money as opposed to Romney using Bains money.
oftheherd1, they haven't forgotten who they serve at all, they know all too well who they serve...themselves. Until we find a way to limit their power it isn't going to change. You will never change that part of the human character, so you need to find a way to harness it and inhibit it. I think term limits might be one way. At least if we had term limits it would serve to protect one state from another state in this way. If you have a state that keeps electing a Ted Kennedy for 30 years, he is amassing more and more power. If another state is responsible and votes out their guys after one or two terms, they are just allowing the kennedy type politician to become more powerful and giving him the ability to control more money going to his cronies and supporters. Term limits would protect the responsible states from the greedy states.

Obama is doing just fine enriching his own bunch of rich fat cats, so let's not just say Romney is a bad guy. At least when he was at Bain capital he had a better record at making money than obama does with his "green" energy investments...using our money as opposed to Romney using Bains money.

So you would elect Romney just to change the gaurd so to speak? Romney is a liar a pathalogical liar at this point who would deny or say anything to anyone to get thier vote? I am not happy with Obama's comprimises or capitualtion on many points but I do believe is better qualified at this point to continue what needs to happen besides reelecting Obama is a mandate back to control in the house and senate so grid lock will stop and he can lead programs and change to creat jobs and stimulate the economy that benfits everyone not just the rich and powerful.
I like Gene. I'd vote for him if he ran for office. I'd even campaign for him.
I like Gene. I'd vote for him if he ran for office. I'd even campaign for him.[/QUOTE

Young people said the same thing about Sara Palin in Alaska too? turned out she did not give a crap about us girl just wanted to get paid and did a rather good job of that too. I like her personally but she is not the best person to run the state mor like a personality reality show. Bottom line if all the GOP and RNC can come up with are nut bags and the lessor of two Weevils when all else fails conclude that Romney should be president because he is rich and some how that will trickle down to all of us is just desperate dilusional and if all else fails racist because he is white we have to get that black man out of the WHITE HOUSE??
I agree with you that we would get more of the same if Romney were to pull a miraculous upset of Obama.
In addition to more of the same womens rights will be reversed Romney out right refuses to give strait anwers yes or no on supporting equal pay bill in congress instead using vague or other language. He will deregulate more putting more people at risk on many levels. Like he said before he thinks every thing is fine no one needs help just let business loose?
Romney is a text book Mormon educated wealthy and far removed from empathy of common folk. People like him do not understand people who live week to week one pay check at a time
Romney is a text book Mormon educated wealthy and far removed from empathy of common folk. People like him do not understand people who live week to week one pay check at a time

Being from Illinois I can assure you Obama does not either. The typical Plan here is Tax Tax Tax Spend Spend Spend but only on your Cronies, and has been for years. Some of the highest taxes in the nation, worst debt, worst credit, and tons and tons of corruption, some of which Barry himself was implicated in... it's the Democrat Machine here. People wonder why, as a whole, I am far less forgiving of the Democrats/Liberals than the Republicans/Neocons when I profess to hating both, it's because of years of Abuse here at home from the Democrats.
Being from Illinois I can assure you Obama does not either. The typical Plan here is Tax Tax Tax Spend Spend Spend but only on your Cronies, and has been for years. Some of the highest taxes in the nation, worst debt, worst credit, and tons and tons of corruption, some of which Barry himself was implicated in... it's the Democrat Machine here. People wonder why, as a whole, I am far less forgiving of the Democrats/Liberals than the Republicans/Neocons when I profess to hating both, it's because of years of Abuse here at home from the Democrats.

Sad to say in the last 30 years of grant writting for TKD and funding non profit programs for youth I have had more help from Republican Senators/Governors and Presidents? but in general from the perspective of making 7 figures having things and in the space of one year loosing everything having a terminal child that took 8 years and $4 million to die and you have to loose everything down to $2,000 to take care of your child the total roll backs on deregulation of industry including teh banks shifting jobs to foriegn countries allowing unlimited political contributions by corporations and foriegn countries came on the Republican watch and organized by them. It not democrats who yell get a job or stop having babies to minorities ect. We have 900 military bases globally 4 days budget in Afghanistan would wipe out a single states deficit we have 5% of the worlds population but we have 25% of the worlds prison population. Drug enforcment Law enforcement is a for profit business paid for by the tax payers incarcerating minorities and making profits for the wealthing. If the governor in Wisconsin is not recalled Tuesday it will mean a very ugly future for many people in many states.

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